Man, it's been way too long since I've updated this thing. I've long since abandoned my old Livejournal since it's kinda boring and I never really found it that appealing, primarily because I suck at LJ formatting and I never could get the format I like down pat. But, at least MAL's got a nice look that I can get along with.
Anyway, usual data as follows:
NAME: Mookamori (longtime intarweb name). Sometimes, in other parts of the internets, I may be called Narumaki, Dagobento, or Anonymous, depending on the message board.
OCCUPATION - I'm a Customer Service representative, which is pretty much unrelated to what I finished in College, but hey! At least I have a job and I get paid (rather nicely, I might add).
CURRENT ANIMU/MANGO-RELATED THOUGHT: Green is the best, but Blue is pretty cool too. Purple is hawt but Red is pretty quirky and Yellow's very likeable too. Too bad I won't be seeing Dark Green and her delicious crab legs anytime soon too.
CURRENT REAL-LIFE RELATED THOUGHT: I'm editiing my profile now on my new 32-inch LCD TV. It's NICE.
ETERNITY (Code Geass) - Oh god, I really want to finish this, I really do, but good Lord, it's been what... TWO YEARS, since my last update. I'd write it down on a piece of paper, but where I work, we aren't even allowed to bring paper and pens. Stupid, I know.
EDEN: STRAY SOULS (Black Cat) - ...what is this thing again? Ahahaha, to be honest, I completely forgot about this. I've still got the basic gist of the story in my head, but ah, when you're writing a fanfic, you've got to first be a FAN, and really, I've lost that a year or two ago.
The rest are either complete or in limboooooo~~~
All Comments (3) Comments
Ano.., are you gonna update your "Eternity" fanfic or are you in a writer's block or something?
You've probably heard that before, but the writing is excellent and touching, it would be great if you actually finished it.
I've just watched Code Geass , and I'm still depressed by the ending, I loved Lelouch/CC pairing and I was hoping that they would be together((
Anyway, arigato for the wonderful story, even if it's unfinished
If you love Gintoki,please join my Lord Gintoki FC:
See you there :D
i really like your story, Eternity, in Code Geass.
i hope u could update it asap :DDD