Well there's nothing really special about me people!ask me if you wanna know.
Some Basic Info you need to know!
DOB Year:1987(Count so you will know my age people!)
Location:HELL people!
Hates:People who ignore me!I will revenge.Everything that annoys me!
Likes:Anime,Bleach,Ichigo,MONSTER,Everything I enjoy^^
MORON People!Are:JERKS,IDIOTS,ASSHOLE,GODDAMMIT SONs,STUPID,WHORE,BITCH! aka that's why they were called MORON^^Silly =p!So don't annoy me or you'll receive those F*CKING Words!
Join the Bleach Club!

So does the Saber FC People!

And last but not the least!The person that I will "Marry" Rin Tohsaka!She is mine^^
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