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Shangri-La Frontier: Kusoge Hunter, Kamige ni Idoman to su 2nd Season
Mar 16, 6:03 PM
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I like detail oriented stuff, stuff that really puts a lot of thought into its characters, world, writing, setting. If you have actual consistency and rules, then you get real drama because things matter and you can be surprised and wowed when things actually work WITH their concept and within their concepts.
You can't have drama or stakes without rules first.
Have you heard of "Show, don't tell" before? One of the base rules for writing; where you let the audience infer the personality, traits, quirks, skills, etc, of a character by their actions, not by explicitly telling them what to think?
Because Code Gayass is the exact opposite. It has to tell you endlessly, and never show you. It's one of the worst examples of "Tell, don't show" I've ever seen.
Ledouche is apparently super duper smart, right? How is this introduced?
Here's the problem:
1. The writers did absolutely no research on chess, why 'smart people' play it, advanced strategies, terminology, nothing. They couldn't even show him winning. It cut away and then he magically just won off screen. This is textbook "I just need to have it, but I don't want to do the work required to actually show it", and we can't see for ourselves that the character is smart, no, we're flat out TOLD he is.
Add in that he's only "smart" later on because of extreme plot contrivance bullshit, and yeah, that's why Code Gayass is as terrible as it is.
Compare Ledouche to another 'smart' character like Light Yagami from Death Note, who we actually SEE without being told why he's so dangerous, adept, and how far he's willing to go. In fact, the Death Note series flat out tells you the exact opposite of what you're seeing. Light constantly boasts how righteous he is, justified, while doing literally everything he's condemning everyone else for. That makes him a hypocrite and adds to his characterization. We're all SHOWN this, not told. Yes people do mention he is smart, but we also get to see it for ourselves, and we see not only that, but how far he's willing to go, why he is, etc. All of it only adds further layers to his character. Every action only adds something more to him, which is what any solid story should accomplish.
It doesn't cut away to show him 'winning' off screen, or utter anime bullshit like "predicting an entire conversion, even the pauses."
You don't know what good writing is, at all.
I don't watch much, because I only invest in things that interest me, regardless of age, genre, or anything else. If it sounds interesting, I'll give it a watch. But I'm also quick to drop if I pick up on garbage; I can tell if something appeals to me right of vs if it doesn't, and that kind of stuff doesn't deserve any of my time.
I don't mind asking people why they like things I literally couldn't stand, but most of the time, it only reinforces what I already knew, that it was the garbage I suspected. I have done it a lot, actually, tried to ask what people (well articulated people too) what they saw to love about something horrendous like Code Geass and the best I got, even from these people was, "Well, I know it's stupid but it was sure one heck of a ride!"
Which is a mindset I don't understand at all. You can have good storytelling AND engagement, epic moments, etc; they shouldn't be mutually exclusive. I don't know how anyone can be emotionally invested in pure spectacle when it doesn't make sense. There's no rules, no logic, and thus no actual drama. It's shallow at best.
Hell, I've actually even heard people defend Mirai Nikki with "Turn off your brain".
If I created something to put out in the world and literally the only way I found out people could enjoy it was to not think about it and just enjoy the spectacle "turn your brain off", man, I'd be so embarrassed and disgusted.
Stop being cocky.
You really don't understand what satire or parody even are if you think One Joke Man was funny by any stretch. And you certainly don't know what consistent writing is if you think Code Gayass or Mirai Nikki are quality examples.
You're quite obviously a spectacle watcher. You like those pretty explosions and so long as it's cool, that's all you need. I'm sure the Transformers movies are also your favorites, right?
And I can guarantee you've never even seen half of my favorites, if any at all. The difference is, I HAVE seen yours (at least as much as I could stand) and they are absolute junk. I feel you must either be very young or never seen any good animes yet. We were all dumb with our tastes when we first started.
Don't feel bad.
It's generalized here that animation must be "cartoons" and thus for children. It's on par with saying "watercolors are only for kids" if you talk art. Animation just gets more respect as an artform over there than here.
I wouldn't call some of your favorites high level though. :/ Quite the opposite.
You feel like such an idiot when they think you watch "cartoons". :/