All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 114.3
Mean Score:
- Watching2
- Completed272
- On-Hold21
- Dropped26
- Plan to Watch131
- Total Entries452
- Rewatched2
- Episodes6,769
All Comments (28) Comments
És fã de Anime/Manga? Adoras debater sobre a temática? Junta-te ao Fusanime, um dos maiores fóruns sobre anime e manga de Portugal! O Fusanime foi a junção dos fóruns: Dragon Ball-PT, Naruto-PT, PokéFórum-PT e VideoGamer-PT em 2013. Devido a uns problemas do antigo dono, tudo foi perdido e o fórum teve de ser recriado em finais de 2015 pelos 2 novos donos.
Temos um vasto número de tópicos sobre anime e manga, abas para obras que continuam a marcar gerações, torneios de Pokémon, concursos dos temas mais variados, FusaView/Read, jogos como o Jogo do Detetive e muito mais! Por isso deixamos aqui o nosso convite para fazeres parte da comunidade Fusanime e ajudares na missão de tornar este o melhor fórum de sempre!
Fiquei pasmado quando soube da sua existência.
Using the MAL lag to my advantage.
The lag is sort of fixed now though, so maybe when MAL starts to lag again.
É um fórum português onde falamos e discutimos anime, manga e entre outras coisas. Fórum Otaku Portugal, não conheces? Tens de te inscrever, somos uma comunidade bacana onde há pessoal muito fixe :D
Anyways, I've got exams next week...
I've got no recommendations really, Samurai Champloo is good but I'm not finished yet, Angel Beats is an airing one that I'm liking so far. (I'm not finished the first, and the second is airing so they could turn out bad or good)
Lately I've been staying up until 1 AM on school nights reading manga ^ ^ not so fun the morning after I have to say...
Anyways, nice talking to you!
I mean, Aisaka Taiga from Toradora, even Alphonse Elric from FMA... Clearly talented.
Right now I'm pulling out hairs on my head waiting for more chapters of ZNT to be translated. How to torture an otaku? Translate the first 3 chapters of 12 and then take a few months to do each next chapter.
Last night I had a dream I got a new laptop... it was awesome, but likely won't happen anytime soon lol
: P
(Reply to PM~)
I have to agree with you I got nervous near the end, and started wondering if this would turn out like Death Note, or a Shakespearean tragedy... which it pretty much did, but with some redeeming qualities.
The ending annoyed me a little, some of the more obvious things to do like maybe if Nunnaly had ASKED emperor Lelouch to join the side of good rather than Fleija bombing a whole city first...
But I guess they really wanted to push the "blame Lelouch" idea in the end there, which explains his actions I guess...
Anyways, if you want to torture someone, don't let them finish the second series, there are so many cliffhangers. Or start it after the first even lol