All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 156.5
Mean Score:
- Watching4
- Completed637
- On-Hold20
- Dropped103
- Plan to Watch124
- Total Entries888
- Rewatched99
- Episodes8,683
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 63.3
Mean Score:
- Total Entries260
- Reread23
- Chapters8,441
- Volumes803
All Comments (455) Comments
The manga is close to 1,500 chapters, but it is an easy-to-read manga, since there are many fights where the drawings predominate over the dialogues. ;)
Too lazy to convert all the tags into notes so its gonna stay like that
Well, give it a try, since Ippo's life has taken a detour and Takamura is surprising a lot.
The mobile Suit Gundam original, the first it was a masterpiece, Characters that seemed to be main characters dying, plus many violent deaths, and we are talking about an anime from 1979!