първоначално не схванах, че ми дрънкаш за емотинките, но после разгадах мистерията е кво мислиш за новото ми аватарче прелестно.. божествено.. ненадминато нали.. опс малко се улях..
Sorry for the late delivery, I'm on a trip right now and I've working on my website, so it's really difficult to me to make the cards.
Check the Yui Fanclub and get your member card! =D Don't forget to download it
All Comments (19) Comments
Ко пр? ;]
Please remember to save and host it on your own server! :3
Sorry for the late delivery, I'm on a trip right now and I've working on my website, so it's really difficult to me to make the cards.
Check the Yui Fanclub and get your member card! =D
Don't forget to download it