hope ur able to get time, but i know life is life. regardless i've liked perusing ur profile and seeing ur taste, u have a nice acct :3
i've been going thru monogatari v slowly, but it's all been great, my fav char is probably a tie, with senjyogahara, the deeply earnest romance with araragi really blew me away as they developed, as it really is quite sentimental in a way most LNs/anime of this sort usually aren't. the other tie would be hanekawa who i do love as well, she feels to me an amazingly fleshed-out, "real" seeming character with a dense history and a unique personality, her catchphrase of "i only know what i know", her deeply kind and courteous nature, and her mild-mannered personality are just wonderful. i love the growt of both of those characters throughout that i've seen. although the deep characters in general throughout is what makes monogatari so special for me, all of the personalities have reasons for being, family history, life history, psychological-depth, it just elevates basically all of the main characters to be a blast to watch!
Io per i film uso imdb sebbene sia scomodo perché non ti lascia interagire con gli altri utenti, ma data la mia mania nel dover distinguere per forza tutto lo uso solamente per i film normali, quelli d'animazione li aggiungo al mio secondo account di mal (non so perché ma non guardo film d'animazioni americani o al di fuori di Cina, Giappone e Corea)
Hey ciao, grazie a te per averla accettata! A dire il vero è perché ho questa abitudine quasi maniacale di dividere tutto in categorie, quindi dato che mi piace vedere le serie e ho visto parecchi film ho deciso di divedere la mia lista in due parti per fare più ordine ahahah
(comunque tranquilla, nessuno me l'ha mai chiesto, anzi ti ringrazio per l'interesse!)
Oddio- Hetalia è uno di quei media dove il mio preferito va abbastanza a periodi;;;; però credo che Iggy sia quello che di solito è al primo posto??
Il rewatch non lo sto continuando da mesi aaaaah damn u university
Il tuo chi è invece? ;^
All Comments (94) Comments
i've been going thru monogatari v slowly, but it's all been great, my fav char is probably a tie, with senjyogahara, the deeply earnest romance with araragi really blew me away as they developed, as it really is quite sentimental in a way most LNs/anime of this sort usually aren't. the other tie would be hanekawa who i do love as well, she feels to me an amazingly fleshed-out, "real" seeming character with a dense history and a unique personality, her catchphrase of "i only know what i know", her deeply kind and courteous nature, and her mild-mannered personality are just wonderful. i love the growt of both of those characters throughout that i've seen. although the deep characters in general throughout is what makes monogatari so special for me, all of the personalities have reasons for being, family history, life history, psychological-depth, it just elevates basically all of the main characters to be a blast to watch!
(comunque tranquilla, nessuno me l'ha mai chiesto, anzi ti ringrazio per l'interesse!)
Il rewatch non lo sto continuando da mesi aaaaah damn u university
Il tuo chi è invece? ;^