~Have you ever wanted a scaled to size Anime Figure or a Nendoroid? Receive (5%) off of your first order of Anime Merchandise! This is one of my favorite Anime Shops, tell me what you get!
Tokyo Otaku Mode 🌺
~Interested in what shows I watch? I pretty much like anything from Squid Girl to Full Metal Alchemist! Please check my Anime List out and all my other links, let's get this Bread!
Steam Profile,
Youtube, &
My Community 🍞
~I am a ????? in real life with a ????? License, I hope to get my other ratings to someday either ????? for ????? or do something unique like ????? for ????? as a ????? of a Research ????? or maybe even an ?????! Please wish me Luck! 🍀
~I rate my Anime from the first episode and update it frequently, like a Mixed Drink (overall enjoyment).. Then I throw in the Meat (story) and Potatoes (characters) for good measure.. Albeit, I'm known to just go for the Dessert (bias).. 🥩
~I am active on Discord, my tag is
@Mocxing#0080 🔮
~Do you play any video games? I don't play super often because I usually just like to chill with Anime but I do like to play certain games, not big into multiplayer due to very bad internet.. If you want to talk Minecraft or Terraria, I am all in, just ask me to play! Other than Minecraft or Terraria the only other Pc game I play is Osu! (The games I play most are actually on Mobile).. I do dailies and have fun making teams on Fire Emblem Heroes and formations on Azur Lane, if you play either of these popular Gatcha games, please read below! I also have a Nintendo Switch, which I play quite frequently!
All Comments (14) Comments
I see, guess I was too tempting for you to resist. >///<
I see. :)
I try to use Discord as less as possible due to me focusing on my studying and improvement. I have sent you a FR Request anywho. :)
I will send you soon enough. :)
It's so long since I watched Lucky Star myself... I should perhaps re-watch it soon. ^_^
I am by no means saying everyone should follow my rules when it comes to ratings, but I'm glad you're understanding of it. Nice to see Squid Girl in your favorites, by the way! That show never gets enough love. Lucky Star is also fantastic.
Hi there! :3
I'm happy and honored that you have sent me a Friend Request... But what did I do to deserve your attention? O////O
So naturally I got Four simple questions for you right now:
1. Why did you send me a FR?
2. How did you found me?
3. Do you have a Discord? If so what is it? O///O
4. If you are interested can I ask you if you got time to do an Anime Quiz it got 16 questions plus one personal question that's optional to answer? There is no deadline and you can write long or short answers whatever suits you best :3
Btw. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)