All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 261.8
Mean Score:
- Watching26
- Completed426
- On-Hold18
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch177
- Total Entries648
- Rewatched251
- Episodes15,579
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 142.1
Mean Score:
- Reading15
- Completed130
- On-Hold11
- Dropped0
- Plan to Read110
- Total Entries266
- Reread67
- Chapters11,438
- Volumes1,175
All Comments (13750) Comments
Haha at least some people you know from before are still around, yah? That would help with reintegrating back!
Yah BNHA is a big one I see always on my Tumblr dash, which I reblog posts about, yet I have yet to see one ep fhdjksk. If there’s any good recs, anime or manga, let me know! And yes though even if I want to watch now, I think most of the links and sites I used to use- would they even still be here??? i feel like such a noob again now omfg
I’ve graduated for awhile now LOLL I studied business with a side of legal studies. Though I have yet to find real use for my minor LOL
As you can probably tell from the time it took for me to reply to you, I am not ready to be back yet. BUTTTTT you’ll definitely be the first to know if I do! and fyi at that time I’ll probably be counting on you to help me tf out
Haha well the fact that it’s from only a couple of years ago, that’s brand new for me LMAO
And since our last correspondence was BEFORE, hope you’re well, and stay safe!