For my Loving Sweetheart Luna<3
Our Second Month Together, And Many MOre MOnths And Years FOr THe life To Come Baby<3!!!
There Are 3 Words THat Really Reach My Heart
It's What Helps Me Through The Day, Since We're Miles Apart
THose Three Words I Wake And Sleep To Every Day
From Now And Until Forever, Waiiwrnal I Will Stay
THroughought THe Days We FInd TIme To Reunite
And From Morning Until End, My World Is Full Of Light
THose 3 WOrds Just Go With Your Beautiful Voice And Speech
Until It's TIme TO Say GOodbye, And Your out Of Reach
Knowing Were Together Until The Ends Of Time
Definitely Gives Me TIngles ANd SHivers Up My SPine
Every Morning, You Make My Heart Begin To Race
Just Knowing I Wake To Your Beautiful Face
You Make Me Feel Special Like I've Never Felt Before
I'll Never Let You GO And Hold You Forevermore
Your Wonderful, Amazing, Beautiful And An Inspiration To Me
I Always Look FOrward To The TImes Of Together We Can Be
Holding You Makes me Feel Happy, Safe, And Secure
And COnfirms Our Love Is True And So Very Pure
Those Three Words You Whisper Into My Ear
Takes Away My Worlds Of Pain, Hurt And Fear
Your Love Is THe Air To My Every Waking Day
To Carry M On Until AGain Those 3 Words You Say
Know In your Heart Everything I Say Is True
I Really Really Do Love You
I Tried My Best, I Only Hope My Best Is GOod Enough FOr You, Happy ANniversary My Love <3 Forever And Always Luna. Waiiwrnal !!!!!!!!! A Few Extra THings To Say, THey May Not Seem Like much But TO Me They Mean The World TO Say To You, And I Want To Tell You, You're Beautiful, Smart, True, And Everything TO Me, You Are my World, My Everything, My Life And I Love You <3 And Always Will My Perfect Little Luna!!!! I Feel Bad That All I Got Is THe poem And THe Picture but The Poem TOok Me A While TO Do, And TOmorrow Is Our Anniversary It Doesn't End Until Midnight, So The Real Surprises I THought I'd Leave Until THe Phone Call If THat's Ok !!! And I Got Some Really Really Good Ones !!! Hope You Can Wait !!!!!
And ... I Can't Still Figure Out This BBC COde T_T, And I Somehow Lost my Information On My MAL But That's Alright As Long As I Got THe Anniversary :P:P MIss You Lots And Lots!!!! WAIIWRNAL!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!!!
And I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE The Draw With Me Video I Watched It Lots THis Morning*Blushes*, And I THought I'd Get These For You !
All Comments (32) Comments
I guess there's nothing illegal for you to do now xD
It should be morning May 2nd at Canada right?!
Once a year we celebrate with stupid hats and plastic plates,
the fact that you were able to make another trip around the sun.
And the whole clan gathers round' gifts and laughter too will bound,
we let out a joyful sound and sing that stupid song.
Happy Birthday, now your one year older.
Happy Birthday, your life still isn't over.
Happy Birthday, you did not accomplish much.
But you didn't die this year i guess that's good enough.
So lets drink to your fading health, and hope you don't remind yourself
your chance of finding fame and wealth decrease with every year.
Dose it feel like your doing laps, and eating food and taking naps,
and hoping that some day, perhaps, your life will hold some cheer.
Happy Birthday, what have you done that matters?
Happy Birthday, your starting to get fatter.
Happy Birthday, it's downhill from now on.
Try not to remind yourself your best years are all gone.
If cryogenics were all free then you could live like Walt Disney and live
for all eternity inside a block of ice.
But instead your time is set this is the only life you get,
and though it hasen't ended yet some times you wish it MIGHT!
Happy Birthday, you wish you had more money.
Happy Birthday, your lifes so sad it's funny.
Happy Birthday, how much more can you take?
But your friends are hungry so just cut the stupid cake.
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Dear.....
Ralph, Bill, Graphton, Stanley, Frank, Skippy the Butch Kangroo, Bob,
Starts with a G.. G.. Blah! Blah! Blah!
It's actually a random happy birthday song. =O I googled for the lyrics lol
And no, nothing special happened. How i wish there would be some exciting stuff happen at here =/ Like maybe a very serious haze like year 2006 in Malaysia where everyone has to wear a mask if you wanna go out! And i still remember that time we all have to wear a mask to school cause the air is too polluted. And me and my friend was eating sweets during class! (usually we cant do that, NO EATING IN CLASS =/) But now we got a mask to cover our mouth! =D
The haze wass sooo fun. If you were to stand few meters from me, i wont be able to seee you =D
But nothing has happen... too peaceful... >.<!
I hasnt been watching any animes lately. The internet is soo slow i cant download any animes... =/ So i spend more time on playing gunz. Dx
Aaaaaaanndd sorry but i have to sleep now. =/ I'm having an interview tomorrow moring in school for uhh... 'Pengawas Koperasi' =O I'm trying to be a 'Pengawas Koperasi'. A 'Pengawas Koperasi' is someone who sells stuffs during recess. =D
And you sure have watched a lot of animes =O You've completed 60 animes now Dx
That's all, Byyeee~
It's May 2nd 12.20am in Malaysia now. Lol
Episode 9 of Clannad is sooo sad =/