I am far too lazy to really have a nice profile here. First of all you should know that I am a 23-year-old graduate student, gaming and anime enthusiast who spends much more time on the computer than she probably realistically should.
I am not too picky about my anime, but I know what I do and don't like. Quite frankly, annoying and self-righteous fandoms generally ruin anime for me, so you won't see me talk much about things like Evangelion or Madoka, despite obviously being fantastic shows in their own right they simply do not hold the kind of appeal for me.
I do, however, talk a lot about Hunter x Hunter (which admittedly is growing into a large, annoying fandom but my dedication since the early 2000s is winning over my disgust.)
Among anime I do enjoy watching, I enjoy Cyborg 009, Darker Than Black, Psycho-Pass, TTGL, Yu Yu Hakusho, and various others. On the flip-side I do enjoy a good shojo, with my favorites being Fushigi Yugi and Princess Tutu. No, seriously. Give Tutu a watch.
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did you watch it? seems cool , am downloading it now...hopefully they made a good version of cyborg 009 so that we may get some sequels
Oh, that's so far from where I am. ._. lol I don't know much about Germany. xD
I see you are a college graduate now, what are you planning to do next? (get a job??)
I opened their website yesterday, and was kinda surprised to hear the music playing in the background. o.o And because the Internet's slow, it was playing and stopping then playing and stopping again. I was kinda creeped out lol I checked out their videos. It really is beautiful music. ^^
Cirque du Soleil. I think I've heard it somewhere before. They visited our country one time, I think
Another topic then? lol What's your favorite song?
Okay, I will. :D Do you find me annoying yet? Haha
Or something like that. Hopefully I made myself clear?
I see.. Other than that, do you have any dark anime/manga you would recomment?
Haha I thought from the title that it'd be just like your regular shoujo anime. I think I'm going to try watching that. :D Is it leaning more on the dark genre or?