bang bang! yeah i know, but dont be silly i wouldnt leave you, i love you more than anything its also the last thing id want to happen =) yeah u should =p and okay, i'll try not sleep in so i can =p
Im just trying to get 1000/1000 =P yeah, that'd be nice, though i know it'd be hard, college does make u grumpy =p maybe this asking stuff does have its benifits =p
You should be able to get the normal ones! And now I have dogmeat =D aw, i apreciate u wanting to be sweeter for me =) i want to but, maybe i will, oooo XP
Yup, now the dreaded neutral karma =0 aw, thats pretty sweet, i dont mind when you're playfully mean, but sometimes u can be quite mean...normally in the mornings and stuff =p hmm, i kinda want to ask u something but its kinda...embarassing, nothing really too much, but i dont know how you'd react XP i might over text, dont know?
well it kinda does, at least it gets them =p you not up to much, i'm playing fallout =P hmm, it'd be nice if u were a little sweeter, maybe just not so grumpy =p but u can be sweet when u want to be!
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