All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 53.6
Mean Score:
- Watching33
- Completed206
- On-Hold10
- Dropped1
- Plan to Watch243
- Total Entries493
- Rewatched3
- Episodes3,260
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 8.9
Mean Score:
- Total Entries166
- Reread0
- Chapters1,307
- Volumes162
All Comments (85) Comments
Will you marry me?
I didn't wanna spam the post so I'll just leave the message here ^^
If you wanna chat about anything or need any recommendation or whatever count on us!
- GS
We are proud to deliver to you our very first Newsletter. The Club has been brought back to life for about four months now and we plan to make many things in the future for all the members to enjoy. For now here are some of the things that may interest you.
Read Together
If you are interested in reading with someone else in the club, either by choosing from those who have their names and reading choices listed, or by joining the list, you can visit the above link.
Mini Event: Anime & Literature
We will hold an anime-watching event throughout May, and currently we are opening a poll for you to vote for the anime that will be included in the event. Visit the given link for more information and also to cast your vote. The poll will be open for approximately one week.
Other threads to join:
Introduce yourself (if you haven't)
Ask for reading recommendation
Brag about books you currently read
...or just completed
General discussion
News of literary world
Our Games
Guess the characters
Biblio This or That
Anagram: Harry Potter Edition
Useful links:
Forum rules & guideline
Table of content
The staffs
Staff Recruitment: Open
If you would like to receive more Newsletter in the future, you can subscribe here.
We look forward to seeing you at the club!!!
Hello~ This is a message from Anime Characters Fanclub. I know the club isn't very active, but I’m going to try to get it active again. To get it active again, I have created a thread called "News Letter Sign Up." If you like to receive news letter for updates on the club, cards, polls, then please sign up here. The club also have two new limited edition and they are Lavi & Allen Walker.
If you would like to recieve a newsletter, please click on this link. If you don't sign up for a newsletter, I will not post any newsletter on your profile. Newsletter will contain things from layout to limited edition
Game: King Spot (win a card)
Game: The Color
Masquerade Limited Edition (only 22 spot left)
Poll: Should The Club Have Claiming
Sorry for the spam
Newsletter From AmuletFortune Kingdom
Sorry for the club inactiveness, but since I'm free now I decided to make the club alive again. The club have a new layout created by VampireCross and new Member Card also. Feel free to request a Member Card and participate in the voting for the next Limited Edition.
Thread That Are Open
Sign Up For The Newsletter
Member Card
Poll: Lollipop Vs. Cupcake Theme
Eat, drink and be scary ~ Happy Halloween!
I learn things really fast and get bored easily, too, it's just that I don't have a lot of patience when it comes to these things, but I'm learning more and more and I'm trying my best to be patient with myself, haha.
What I'm really trying to learn is how to make a signature for MAL, and I'm already found a couple tutorials, so it should be pretty easy going from there! *\o/*
Haha, well, I'm slowly teaching myself how to use photoshop. It hasn't gone very well so far XD
I can't think of anything else to say :( How's life?