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Jujutsu Kaisen 0: Tokyo Toritsu Jujutsu Koutou Senmon Gakkou
May 25, 2021 9:47 AM
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Yes, it was fun, thank you very much. Got some moneys and went to eat giant Schnitzel, lol.
I am bad onii-san! I forgot to congratulate you on your birthday! Unforgivable! Happy belated birthday, Fate!
I hope you had a great day! Party on the weekend?
He wants to know? Oh yay! I like sharing my recommendations for dramas. A good place to start is a website called: They categorize the dramas quite well, and whenever I'm looking for something new, I go there! It might be bias, but anything with Lee Min-ho is good! Faith is a good k-drama, it deals with time travel and love. Boys Before Flowers is highly entertaining! It's about a poor girl who ends up meeting this elite group of school kids called F4. She ends up getting to attend the elite school with them, and there's all sorts of trouble there! What kind of shows is he interested in? :D
Interesting! I'm kind of learning as I go. I haven't watched as much anime as I thought! Your list is so BIG. I must catch up. Ask me about Korean dramas and I got you covered. Ask me about anime and I'm clueless! Changes must be made. D:
I kind of want to change my name now because of you. Although I don't think I can, or can I?
Yeah, it's nice having it on a Friday. Gonna chill today and go our for a nice dinner tomorrow.