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Days: 79.1
Mean Score: 5.58
  • Total Entries159
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Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail
Black Lagoon: Roberta's Blood Trail
Jan 13, 2019 4:50 PM
Completed 5/5 · Scored 7
Jan 11, 2019 5:52 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 6
Dagashi Kashi 2
Dagashi Kashi 2
Dec 27, 2018 5:41 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 3
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 19.3
Mean Score: 5.63
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Dagashi Kashi
Dagashi Kashi
Dec 27, 2018 5:41 AM
Completed 186/186 · Scored 3
Kamen Rider
Kamen Rider
Dec 27, 2018 4:13 AM
Completed 8/8 · Scored 5
One Piece
One Piece
May 24, 2018 10:21 AM
Reading 904/? · Scored 8

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SrClone Aug 1, 2019 11:17 AM
Olá meu amiguinho otaku, mesmo sendo plataforma focada em animes, eu quero fazer um convite, sou dono do grupo do Star Wars Arte, é um grupo de discussão sobre o universo (HQs, Livros, Jogos, Séries, Filmes e etc) de Star Wars no whatsapp (! Quero convidar também para a pagina no instagram (, criada recentemente, com intuito de publicar artes, e noticias rápidas! Você pode utilizar a aba de destaque dela para descobrir todo o material que pertence ao atual cânone de Star Wars (livros, HQs, séries, jogos e filmes)... se puder seguir e deixar alguns likes estaria ajudando no crescimento!

Caso não goste, não tem problema! Fica a vontade de participar do grupo do whatsapp, aceitamos pessoas que gostam de discutir e aquelas que só gostam de ler kkkk.... Se você quiser convidar amigos pra entrar no grupo ou seguir a página, tem toda liberdade...
fufuf Apr 23, 2018 2:08 PM
Don't worry, I like to call other shows bad too :^)
SrClone Apr 17, 2018 8:12 AM
Olá amiguinho, vi seu perfil no clube do brasil aqui no mail e estou adicionando pra gente bater aquele papo de ''otaku fedido'', e dar aquelas indicações de ''desenhos japoneses ou chineses''!
TheDeedsOfMen Jan 1, 2018 1:39 PM
Hang on a second. When I wrote, "Not everything is as smart as it likes to think," I was referring to works full of pseudophilosophical arguments that they can't justify. In that context, I wasn't talking about plot structure, handling of the characters, or anything like that. So you are misinterpreting my quote there.
anime_is_shitty Dec 5, 2017 12:37 AM
what truth did you speak exactly?
trying to draw anything from twitch spam aside from humor isnt that smart of a thing to do, and i would hope you stop going through peoples chat logs becuase of that reason.
i am not like you guys. anime isnt plastered all over my social media or online accounts. i dont spend hours watching anime or reading manga.
i hate you guys, and i am not like you.
anime_is_shitty Dec 1, 2017 11:23 PM
hey weeb its your friend from twitch.

i created an account on this god awful website to let you know that you are one of the thousands of other anime addicted weebs who everbody hates aside from the other weebs, and makes fun of in chat like the guy whos logs you went though (for some reason?) along with my logs. stop stalking peoples chat logs for making fun of weebs who spam shitty anime emotes too much, how autistic do you have to be to do that shit? we spam about weebs being annoying becuase you people are fucking horrible to deal with online in every single video game or stream i see. every single god damn weebs entire online persona revolves around anime 24/7 and thats all there is to it. its probably becuase you guys have no identity and you specifically think of yourself as a "non binary" abombiation. aside from anime what is there to you? what do you offer? now you can continue to get upset and confused at people for making fun of you guys in chat, or you can understand why they are making fun of you and keep your anime spam confined to gross websites like this, and not leaking it into every single thing you do online. also good on you for admitting that weebs are obnoxious becuase holy fuck are they ever, now the next step is accepting the fact that you are one of the most obnoxious weeaboo fucks on ther internet and you are by no means a special case. you are not an exception just by acknowledging the fact that weebs are annoying, you are also part of the problem due to you only spamming of weeb emotes and going through peoples fucking TWITCH CHAT logs and trying to draw a meaningful conclusion (how dumb do you have to be to do that?). also that dude you were comparing logs with me with isnt a weeb im not sure what lead you to beleive that (aside from your own stupidity). he makes fun of weebs with emotes just like i do dumbass, how isnt that obvious to you? you checked his fucking logs and didnt realize that DansGame isnt a weeb emote or something? not to mention i read you like a fucking book when i asked how many god damn anime forums you visit because its painfully obvious how attatched you are to this shit, or called you out on being a virgin. it was easy as fuck to tell becuase you weeaboo kids are all the same. i dont blame you for getting upset at me after i got a little personal by calling out your predictable lifestyle as it is truly saddening.

please take a long fucking look in the mirror, and realize that this is a phase.
Mellowmancer Nov 1, 2017 12:03 PM
ty for the recs but man, you're gonna be hard to please from the looks of your list but imma try anyways.
I recommend Kuragehime, Kino no Tabi, Steins;Gate, and as a bonus I'll throw in Aria in case you like slice of life. If you don't like SoL then you don't have to watch it but this is one of the better ones especially the final season.
Hope you enjoy them!
Dhark017 Oct 8, 2017 1:56 PM
Sério? Seria legal um reboot, espero que não fique como o Shadow of the Colossus remake.
Os puzzles eram chato mesmo, alguns fiquei semanas tentando desvandar. Antes mal havia detonado hauhuahauahu.

Que bom que gostou
Tenta ver Clannad, eh um otimo slice of life. A primeira temporada eh meio parada ja que soh faz apresentaçoes das personagens
mas a segunda eh de mexer com o kokoro da galera.
Dhark017 Oct 5, 2017 5:28 PM
Dino Crisis 2 melhor game de ps1, eu soh nao gosto do t-rex.
Gostou do Kimi no Na Wa?
lihmao Sep 20, 2017 1:28 PM
Hahaha que bom que curtiu! Jurava que ninguém iria ler (ou iriam falar besteira pra mim).

DIFUH56´~34]F34090 SIM, EU ENGASGUEI LENDO ISSO!!!! Eu não sabia em quem eu queria bater mais, no Takagi, no Mashiro ou em mim mesma por estar me submetendo àquilo. Sério, o que mais dá raiva é o alcance que uma obra merda dessa tem e ninguém questionando esses absurdos, ugh.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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