Hi,my name is Max, im watching Anime since I was a kid. I'm a lazy guy that likes anime and manga like most you people on MAL.
I normally focus on the current airing Anime, while try to watch older Anime.
Feel free to talk to me, to give or ask for recommendations.
Those anime who are rated 10, I consider them very good or great anime and those are my favorite anime I have ever watched. They might not be the best anime, with the most well written characters, story and animation. But I had a blast watching them, and they mean a lot to me, and inspired me in a way or another.
I'm also a person who basically NEVER DROPS SHOWS, so despite these series being shit, I continue with them, even if they're edgy, badly done, or hateable enough.
Thx for visiting my page
Top Genres: Sports Drama Romance Slice of Life Comedy
All Comments (146) Comments
How are you these days?
I'm doing great thanks for asking ~ What about you?
The new season is about to start too, so I'm really excited from some anime.
How about you?
I'm good, how about you?