Hellooooooooo there visitor!! OOOOooooh WEEEeeeeeee you found my DESCRIPTION PAGEEEE... Y'know the word description sure has punch to it! Like uh..... PRESCRIPTION!!! Yeaahahahahahaha LIKE PRESCRIPTION cause y'knooow I'M SURE AINT OFF MY PILLS or anything.... hey hey hold the phone... hold the phone in phone hell.... I THINK THESE ARE THE WRONG PILLS... AHH GEEZ... ahh geez ahh geez ahh geez ah geez. Well would ya LOOOK at that. THESE AREN'T MY PILLS. Well what the hell in helll was tha- ah...... oh my lord here comes a green harry... I can feel it in my stomach... it's gonna come any second now........ any second now........ I SAID ANY SECOND NOW!!!! ......... 3. 2. 1...... aaaaand... HEY WHERE THE HELL IN HELL IS I- ....... OOOOH WEEEEEE THAT SURE TOOK ALOT OF MY ENERGY AND IT PROBABLY DID TAKE YOUR TIME.... so uhhhhh I don't know why you're still reading. Butttt if you're still are I guess you can probably know my favorite word. *It's definitely whizbang* wellllll with THAT out of the way you can get all MY INTERESTS!
Games that I play
- Persona Series (I've played 1,3, and 4)
- Pokemon
- Smash
- DotA 2
- Metal Gear Franchise (the ones made by Kojima)
- Final Fantasy franchise
- XCOM: Enemy unknown
- XCOM 2
- BF4, BFH, BF3
- Hyperdimension Neptunia
- Rocket League
- TF2
- Osu!
- Monster Hunter
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