All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 174.1
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed631
- On-Hold27
- Dropped49
- Plan to Watch441
- Total Entries1,155
- Rewatched1
- Episodes10,507
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 79.9
Mean Score:
- Reading32
- Completed267
- On-Hold39
- Dropped18
- Plan to Read11
- Total Entries367
- Reread0
- Chapters8,007
- Volumes1,584
All Comments (162) Comments
Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
I would lovvveeeee a filler arc for some reason.
I tried the new Hunter again... Love it!
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Alternatively, if you can't see the image, click here.
Hey! This is your new admin, sillyker0nian! Giving you the newest newsletter for the RomeoXJuliet Club.
this his pic is cute :B
we now have member cards, you can show your Laven love by requesting them here.
have a good day
and see you again in the club;
how did you make the spoiler button its really cool
did you use Photoshop for your about me page
sorry for so much question (newbie)
i love your page lol loveless was a preety good anime
anywayz hope we can be good friends :)