Hey Miltora! I am doing fine. I am glad you're okay too! Same, I am working from home and we're currently waiting for some less strict restrictions in June. Well, if everything is according to plan, that is. Oh it's too bad your trip to Amsterdam has been cancelled! Have you ever been to Amsterdam before? Hopefully, travel will be possible again soon!
You're welcome! :) These anime are gems, so I can't recommend them enough. It's the green tea emoji, since I love tea!
Same, too bad Detective Conan has so many filler episodes. It's the same for the manga, although I am not up to date. I've read somewhere that Aoyama has come up with an ending for his series, but it's still publishing for now! I've only seen the first and second movie up to now to be honest. I liked them both; The Timed Skyscraper and Fourteenth Target. I can't wait to watch the other movies. I watch and read Conan every once in a while when I feel like it. I've seen all the OVA's though; I've enjoyed the ones with Kaitou Kid the most, since he's probably my favourite character from the Detective Conan franchise. Have you seen the OVA's too? And which one is your favourite character?
Hey Miltora! How are you doing during these crazy times? I hope you are okay! :)
Oh yes Tsuki ga Kirei is a gem! Hmm, I can totally recommend Ao Haru Ride and Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai. They are both slow and cute anime :D Let me know what you think! I like your list layout by the way! It's stylish and structured.
It's great that you are up to date with Detective Conan! I started out with the manga during high school, and started with the anime a few years ago. I have seen the first three seasons or so and a few movies. I feel like (binge)watching it now and then. I think that this is the way I appreciate Conans investigations the most! Do you like the recent episodes? I bet the animation has improved :)
Thank you! That's great to hear! :D Everything is just BBCode on my page and it just turned out like this over time, no special hacks ;) I like the atmospheric picture and the colors in you bio :)
Yeah I've noticed Netflix anime selection is slowly expanding and I hope it stays that way. They don't just have famous anime on there too they have some lesser known ones that's nice
Most of the games I want are all upcoming games like Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem and Pokemon. I have over 1000 hours into Animal Crossing on the 3DS so I'm super excited for the new game to come out! Only thing I'm not looking forward to is how expensive Nintendo games are orz
That's true. I havent watched Naruto but I do plan to watch it at some point and about 50% of the anime episodes can be cut if you avoid watching fillers
I can't remember what company it was but Crunchyroll was paired with another company at one point and had more anime because of it but they split up and Crunchyroll lost the anime that went on the other company site. If they got back together then Crunchyroll would probably have a bigger list of anime
I have a quite a few switch games but the ones I'm currently playing are Taiko no Tatsujin, Splatoon, Enter the gungeon, Hollow Knight, Okami and Night in the woods. Currently focusing on Hollow Knight it's really fun! Are there other games you're looking forward to get?
Recaps are fine but when it gets to the point you have to skip 8 minutes into the episode to pass it then it's a problem. Dressrosa was super bad for 40% of each episode being recaps
I watch anime on free sites. There are some anime I want to watch but they end up not being on Crunchyroll so as I watch a lot of anime I don't want to pay for something I'll only use for some series. One day I might give in though so I can watch their HD releases as free sites video quality tend to be low
Taiko no Tatsujin is a music game. I brought the special edition which comes with a toy drum for you to hit while playing it. It's really fun but very loud
Speaking of recaps I think I stopped watching the anime around where the Dressrosa arc ended and in that arc at the start of every episode it was a full 5 minute recap of the last episode so does every episode start off like that still?
Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis and Virgin Soul are connected but Manaria Friends is not. Manaria Friends is set in the same world but has nothing to do with the plot of the other series. Manaria Friends can be watched without ever watching the other series
If you didn't like the first few episodes then I wouldn't really say to continue it. It's always better to drop anime you don't like than to force yourself to finish it just in case you end up liking it
I just played Taiko no Tatsujin all day so my celebration was great. For this year though I don't really think much will change. I think I'll just have the smooth pace I had this year. What about you?
No worries if you reply late as I often do myself~
I've never understood the hate the anime gets as its pretty nice and the fillers for the anime are really well done too. I'm still behind the One Piece anime so I don't know about the newest episodes but yeah the arc in the manga did go on for a bit too. Might pause the manga and go back into the anime as right now the manga is focusing on Kin'emon who I don't really care for
Because I've already read it. I think season 1 of Kageguri will be better than season 2 but you still have things to look forward to. The last few episodes of the Kageguri anime were filler as I'm guessing they didn't have enough time for the proper ending so hopefully season 2 starts off with the part they cut. Yeah got the new ones coming up soon
Yeah I can relate with your favourite genres too. I do like action anime a lot but its also really nice just to watch casual ones too. You didn't like Overlord? How much did you watch? If you watched season 1 and didn't enjoy it you probably couldn't want to check out the later seasons
Happy new year to you too! May you be blessed with finding great anime this year too
Yeah I read manga too but I also prefer anime. I've been reading the One Piece manga for ages but I want to go back to watching the anime because its just so much better to see it animated
Anime I'm going to watch is: Date a live, Shingeki no Bahamust, Boogiepop wa Warawanai, Kemono Friends. There are a few anime that I will check out but those are the ones I know I'm 100% going to watch. Still debating watching Kakeguruixx as I've read the manga. I hope the new opening of it is just as good as the first one is
Yeah my favourite list character is pretty long but it's actually my limited list of favourites. If I made a list of all characters I liked it'd be between 300-400. You have a pretty good favorite list too I see we have a few similarities too! Only thing I disagree on is Ash being in 'Childhood heroes' because I've been watching the movies and his a lot more aggressive than child me remembers lmao
My favourite genres are adventure, comedy, mystery and psychological. I also really love country building things like Overlord and Reincarnated as a slime but not sure exactly what you would call that genre. The thing that all those have in common (besides comedy I guess) is that they usually rely heavily on world building which I adore. What about yourself?
It's always good to have a lot of favourite anime! and I can agree with you on Bunny Girl and Slime. Both of them are my favourites of the season too. Kinda bitter about the Slime one though as I wanted to read the source material but the official english release are only up to where the anime will finish and the author forbids fan translations. Oh well
Is there anything you're excited for next season? That's going to start soon
I have an endless list of favourites you can see here if you're interested
You don't know where its from either then? Oh well. The unsolved question of the source continues
And hey just noticed we have some similar taste in anime what's nice! Besides the ones already on your favourites do you have any other faves?
Thanks I'm always happy to get compliments on my profile!
And your profile comes with a very pretty gif. Do you know what its from? I recognize the art style
All Comments (13) Comments
You're welcome! :) These anime are gems, so I can't recommend them enough. It's the green tea emoji, since I love tea!
Same, too bad Detective Conan has so many filler episodes. It's the same for the manga, although I am not up to date. I've read somewhere that Aoyama has come up with an ending for his series, but it's still publishing for now! I've only seen the first and second movie up to now to be honest. I liked them both; The Timed Skyscraper and Fourteenth Target. I can't wait to watch the other movies. I watch and read Conan every once in a while when I feel like it. I've seen all the OVA's though; I've enjoyed the ones with Kaitou Kid the most, since he's probably my favourite character from the Detective Conan franchise. Have you seen the OVA's too? And which one is your favourite character?
Oh yes Tsuki ga Kirei is a gem! Hmm, I can totally recommend Ao Haru Ride and Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai. They are both slow and cute anime :D Let me know what you think! I like your list layout by the way! It's stylish and structured.
It's great that you are up to date with Detective Conan! I started out with the manga during high school, and started with the anime a few years ago. I have seen the first three seasons or so and a few movies. I feel like (binge)watching it now and then. I think that this is the way I appreciate Conans investigations the most! Do you like the recent episodes? I bet the animation has improved :)
Most of the games I want are all upcoming games like Animal Crossing, Fire Emblem and Pokemon. I have over 1000 hours into Animal Crossing on the 3DS so I'm super excited for the new game to come out! Only thing I'm not looking forward to is how expensive Nintendo games are orz
I can't remember what company it was but Crunchyroll was paired with another company at one point and had more anime because of it but they split up and Crunchyroll lost the anime that went on the other company site. If they got back together then Crunchyroll would probably have a bigger list of anime
I have a quite a few switch games but the ones I'm currently playing are Taiko no Tatsujin, Splatoon, Enter the gungeon, Hollow Knight, Okami and Night in the woods. Currently focusing on Hollow Knight it's really fun! Are there other games you're looking forward to get?
I watch anime on free sites. There are some anime I want to watch but they end up not being on Crunchyroll so as I watch a lot of anime I don't want to pay for something I'll only use for some series. One day I might give in though so I can watch their HD releases as free sites video quality tend to be low
Taiko no Tatsujin is a music game. I brought the special edition which comes with a toy drum for you to hit while playing it. It's really fun but very loud
Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis and Virgin Soul are connected but Manaria Friends is not. Manaria Friends is set in the same world but has nothing to do with the plot of the other series. Manaria Friends can be watched without ever watching the other series
If you didn't like the first few episodes then I wouldn't really say to continue it. It's always better to drop anime you don't like than to force yourself to finish it just in case you end up liking it
I just played Taiko no Tatsujin all day so my celebration was great. For this year though I don't really think much will change. I think I'll just have the smooth pace I had this year. What about you?
I've never understood the hate the anime gets as its pretty nice and the fillers for the anime are really well done too. I'm still behind the One Piece anime so I don't know about the newest episodes but yeah the arc in the manga did go on for a bit too. Might pause the manga and go back into the anime as right now the manga is focusing on Kin'emon who I don't really care for
Because I've already read it. I think season 1 of Kageguri will be better than season 2 but you still have things to look forward to. The last few episodes of the Kageguri anime were filler as I'm guessing they didn't have enough time for the proper ending so hopefully season 2 starts off with the part they cut. Yeah got the new ones coming up soon
Yeah I can relate with your favourite genres too. I do like action anime a lot but its also really nice just to watch casual ones too. You didn't like Overlord? How much did you watch? If you watched season 1 and didn't enjoy it you probably couldn't want to check out the later seasons
Happy new year to you too! May you be blessed with finding great anime this year too
Anime I'm going to watch is: Date a live, Shingeki no Bahamust, Boogiepop wa Warawanai, Kemono Friends. There are a few anime that I will check out but those are the ones I know I'm 100% going to watch. Still debating watching Kakeguruixx as I've read the manga. I hope the new opening of it is just as good as the first one is
Yeah my favourite list character is pretty long but it's actually my limited list of favourites. If I made a list of all characters I liked it'd be between 300-400. You have a pretty good favorite list too I see we have a few similarities too! Only thing I disagree on is Ash being in 'Childhood heroes' because I've been watching the movies and his a lot more aggressive than child me remembers lmao
My favourite genres are adventure, comedy, mystery and psychological. I also really love country building things like Overlord and Reincarnated as a slime but not sure exactly what you would call that genre. The thing that all those have in common (besides comedy I guess) is that they usually rely heavily on world building which I adore. What about yourself?
Is there anything you're excited for next season? That's going to start soon
I have an endless list of favourites you can see here if you're interested
And hey just noticed we have some similar taste in anime what's nice! Besides the ones already on your favourites do you have any other faves?
And your profile comes with a very pretty gif. Do you know what its from? I recognize the art style