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Anime Stats
Days: 118.9
Mean Score: 7.93
  • Total Entries643
  • Rewatched12
  • Episodes7,581
Last Anime Updates

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Manga Stats
Days: 5.4
Mean Score: 7.93
  • Total Entries25
  • Reread1
  • Chapters487
  • Volumes68
Last Manga Updates

Access to this list has been restricted by the owner.

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tinshard Oct 26, 2024 11:05 AM
I read it (mostly) so it wasn't in vain :)

I wonder if you can complete the original Mario without infinite lives
-Sonal- Oct 17, 2017 5:33 AM
Nobody reads this anyway
Awww. I read it.
MikuLove39 Apr 26, 2015 2:35 PM
Nobody reads this anyway, but just for my record, I started watching Anime seasons again with Spring Season 2015! I am enjoying it a lot again! :-)
MikuLove39 Sep 16, 2014 3:12 PM
Currently, I don't have time to watch that many Anime (that are currently airing) like I used to do for some seasons now.
I don't know when/if I can get back to it.
For now, I'll just watch not that many Anime and also maybe again Anime that are already finished so I can watch it more at my pace.
Uncrow Aug 11, 2014 10:50 PM

P.S. Due to the club having so many members, we aren't able to send out newsletters to all of our members. If you would like to receive newsletters from the Slice of Life Club, post here.
Our newsletters include notifications on when our competition rounds start, club event information, information on our monthly banner contest (new feature starting in September), news about updates and changes to the club, etc.

P.S.S We are in need of active card makers!
We do a few monthly editions and we really need some more card makers to help out with those. If you are interested in applying, click here.
Tengai Jul 20, 2014 9:16 PM
Yo, happy birthday, dude!!
minouneetzoe May 3, 2014 9:29 PM
Fuck, your Nagisa pic is so cute :3
Vensito Apr 28, 2014 11:20 AM
Well most people don't have anything to do on Saturday besides watch tons of anime xD. What are some of your favorites from this season so far by the way?
Vensito Apr 28, 2014 10:32 AM
Yeah, watching anime is a lot of fun and I guess somewhere along the line I got a little carried away with it xD.
So how's it going?
Vensito Apr 14, 2014 2:19 PM
Yooooooooo~!! What's up!?
Usagi Mar 20, 2014 9:00 PM
Slice of Life Club Newsletter
Oosran Jan 28, 2014 1:19 PM
Well, second season of Silver Spoon is good. Second season of Seitokai Yakuindomo as well. Other than those, Nobunaga the Fool, I guess. Nisekoi could've been better, as the manga is better. Noragami is interesting, but not captivating. Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta could be be good, but it could also turn pretty bad.
That's pretty much all. The rest is pretty meh at best.
Oosran Jan 27, 2014 12:15 PM
Well, being the creepy person that I am, I extracted the CSS that your list uses and it would seem that you are using the so-called "pre-made" list of anime as provided by the guy who originally made this list style, which simply means that when you found that there were missing images, this was because he hadn't yet updated the public CSS. Sooo yeah, nothing to worry about there, I guess.
But really, once you actually try it out and see for yourself how it actually works, it's really not that complicated to do that stuff manually.
Oosran Jan 14, 2014 9:33 AM
Ohai o/
Yeah, I kind of somewhat remember. But yeah, you'll either have to update the anime.css manually, with the java-program that the guy who created the style provides or by using his own CSS containing all anime on MAL which he also updates. Personally I'm manually updating mine whenever I add a new show.
It's actually a pretty simple process, if you know where you've got your CSS-file.
Let's use Noragami as an example:

  1. find Noragami's anmie page
  2. take note that the anime's "ID" is 20507, as seen in the URL
  3. open your anime.css
  4. add a line that goes #more20507 {background-image: url();}
  5. within the parentheses on the url-part, add the source for whatever picture you want it to show, easiest being just taking the image URL from Noragami's anime page

That's the format you use. #moreanime-ID {background-image: url(source-URL-to-image);}
It might take a little time to get used to, but I personally find it easier to just update manually. Before I used the java tool, but since it checks your entire list it takes a while when you've got a lot of entries. Like my anime list with 659 entries. Orz
So yeah, there you've got a little explanation on how that works, hopefully I made myself clear etc. etc. ( ¬‿¬)

But yeah, happy belated new year o/
TheLoneWolfMC Oct 10, 2013 7:13 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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