We hereby remind you of your status as part of our active community. Please drop by sometime and participate in the role-play. Also, we would be very happy if you would continue/start contributing to the club by being regularly active and leave comments.
Yours sincerely, The Community of Shiroku✰Highschool
It has certainly been a long time since the club was last active. We all know that those
times weren't that pleasant as we watched the club drifting into a deep sleep. However, summer vacation for the students is over and the school has reawakened to greet
the start of a new term. This new term will provide a fresh new start for both old and new
students alike. Enjoy your school life once more and click the blue sentence above!
Hey, friend ^^ Just wanted to let you know that I updated my Endless Works animated cards. It's been opened since May 31st 2012. If you're interested to request animated cards, feel free to come by to the Endless Works entry. I've updated a Sword Art Online Edition for those who are fans of the SAO anime =) Spreading about this is up to you.
Thank you for taking the time to read this ^^
It's alright. I don't mind about late replies. Still not being able to connect to the internet must be really annoying.
It's not bad. I believe most boys who are a lot into ecchi are pervs.
And they must be watched either DVD or BD. There's nothing bad.
Not a lot of people are into ecchi but there is quite a majority if you look at a different perspective. I like them cause they are unrealistic. I mean unlike comedy, romance or horror, ecchi is something you can see into anime only, and ecchi is different from hentai. So that's why I like to watch ecchi and enjoy the "things I know is impossible in real life". My first ever was Rosario vampire too.
One Piece might be lengthy anime, poor art and boring at start but after reaching a certain amount of episodes, it becomes among the best. Patience is all what one require to watch any long series anime. Also Just a matter of time before you get into them. And fillers can be skipped you know.
It's not like that One Piece as you can see has been/is being rated 10 by all reviews you can see in its profile. People mustered up courage and watched the whole damn thing and then we were all able to say..wutta masterpiece!
Still I understand people who like newer arts and short stories.
Glad to hear that. MAL is definitely the best place to keep track of your anime watched, easy updates and you learn more everyday. And the people are friendly as long as you don't annoy them :)
Here I watch practically every anime genres with the exception of yaoi and boys love.
Less of horror and psychological.
Most favorited are Shounen, Comedy and Ecchi. :D
One Piece, Gintama, Fairy Tail are some of my most fav anime.
Otherwise I like my slice of life/romance more with comedy like Baka to test, school rumble and kaichou wa maid sama than comedy with drama/tragedy like shuffle.
In short Comedy is like god to me cause it fits nearly most of other anime genres. :D
I love ecchi a lot too. Some of my favorite ecchi anime are Rosario vampire, Sora no Otoshimono, Kiss x Sis, Motto to love ru, B Gata H kei and HOTD not including the 2011 and recent one.
Like you said I like to vary my anime to watch so as not to get bored watching the same genre repeatedly. Even if I say I'm fan of ecchi, watching ecchi anime one after the other will obviously makes me bored. This is why I watch most genres also to experience all kinds of feelings anime can give us.
Yeah i think i must of sat there for about 3 hours trying to remember all the obscure anime i used to stream when i was younger, i would remember things half way through the day and have to go input them =P. Then...then i had to remember all the manga...oh god *Flashbacks* o_o. There was no survivors...
Yeah i think the RP people are generally a bit more out going and laid back, i think its just the general people or the gamers that tend to be a bit more fanatic about there thoughts. I haven't tried the RP stuff here, i think i would end up wandering off talking about some weird subject that had nothing to do with the source material. You thinking of joining one?
I think the lists got me, not so much the socializing because i suck at that but apparently i found my new found love of clicking buttons to input almost useless information into a giant list and sometimes, maybe....speak to people...
Checked out the forums yet? Plenty of angry people there =P
Hehe, Sunnycon...The naming needs work but the heart is there ^_^. I'm little surprised by that, i mean i know how most gamers are and they can be an unsocial bunch i didn't thing it would be that different with Anime fans but that is stereotyping.
You've been here a few days now and have not died 0_o. Are you enjoying your time here?
All Comments (20) Comments
Dear member of Shiroku✰Highschool,
We hereby remind you of your status as part of our active community. Please drop by sometime and participate in the role-play. Also, we would be very happy if you would continue/start contributing to the club by being regularly active and leave comments.
Yours sincerely,
The Community of Shiroku✰Highschool
Shiroku✰Highschool is starting the new term!
Dear member of Shiroku✰Highschool,
It has certainly been a long time since the club was last active. We all know that those
times weren't that pleasant as we watched the club drifting into a deep sleep.
However, summer vacation for the students is over and the school has reawakened to greet
the start of a new term. This new term will provide a fresh new start for both old and new
students alike. Enjoy your school life once more and click the blue sentence above!
We all look forward to role-playing with you!
- The Community of Shiroku✰Highschool
Thank you for taking the time to read this ^^
It's not bad. I believe most boys who are a lot into ecchi are pervs.
And they must be watched either DVD or BD. There's nothing bad.
Not a lot of people are into ecchi but there is quite a majority if you look at a different perspective. I like them cause they are unrealistic. I mean unlike comedy, romance or horror, ecchi is something you can see into anime only, and ecchi is different from hentai. So that's why I like to watch ecchi and enjoy the "things I know is impossible in real life". My first ever was Rosario vampire too.
One Piece might be lengthy anime, poor art and boring at start but after reaching a certain amount of episodes, it becomes among the best. Patience is all what one require to watch any long series anime. Also Just a matter of time before you get into them. And fillers can be skipped you know.
It's not like that One Piece as you can see has been/is being rated 10 by all reviews you can see in its profile. People mustered up courage and watched the whole damn thing and then we were all able to say..wutta masterpiece!
Still I understand people who like newer arts and short stories.
Here I watch practically every anime genres with the exception of yaoi and boys love.
Less of horror and psychological.
Most favorited are Shounen, Comedy and Ecchi. :D
One Piece, Gintama, Fairy Tail are some of my most fav anime.
Otherwise I like my slice of life/romance more with comedy like Baka to test, school rumble and kaichou wa maid sama than comedy with drama/tragedy like shuffle.
In short Comedy is like god to me cause it fits nearly most of other anime genres. :D
I love ecchi a lot too. Some of my favorite ecchi anime are Rosario vampire, Sora no Otoshimono, Kiss x Sis, Motto to love ru, B Gata H kei and HOTD not including the 2011 and recent one.
Like you said I like to vary my anime to watch so as not to get bored watching the same genre repeatedly. Even if I say I'm fan of ecchi, watching ecchi anime one after the other will obviously makes me bored. This is why I watch most genres also to experience all kinds of feelings anime can give us.
Tsundere LE
Yeah i think the RP people are generally a bit more out going and laid back, i think its just the general people or the gamers that tend to be a bit more fanatic about there thoughts. I haven't tried the RP stuff here, i think i would end up wandering off talking about some weird subject that had nothing to do with the source material. You thinking of joining one?
Checked out the forums yet? Plenty of angry people there =P
So how are you finding MAL and its members so far?
And what are your favorite anime genres ?
That guy smiling in your profile picture is kinda familiar. Death Note ?
Save and re-host!
Enjoy ^^
You've been here a few days now and have not died 0_o. Are you enjoying your time here?