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Days: 22.5
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Log Horizon
Log Horizon
Aug 5, 2015 12:04 AM
Completed 25/25 · Scored 10
Aug 4, 2015 11:52 PM
Watching 5/13 · Scored 10
Akatsuki no Yona
Akatsuki no Yona
Jun 23, 2015 3:14 PM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 10
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Aug 4, 2015 11:59 PM
Reading -/139 · Scored 10
Koi to Uso
Koi to Uso
Aug 4, 2015 11:59 PM
Reading -/62 · Scored -
Aug 4, 2015 11:58 PM
Reading -/238 · Scored 10

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Jackrito Oct 20, 2016 7:33 AM

hitokiri1859 Aug 8, 2015 1:31 AM
yeah i still get a good amount of anime / gaming time since i don't have college classes or anything like that xD
CamTheThief Aug 6, 2015 6:30 PM
I see, I see. Best of luck with them. (however much luck is involved, at least). :P
Do you have a Sora to go with your Shiro? And will you have the awesome side-crown? xD
Also, do you where your cosplays to conventions, or just snap the cool photos and hold onto them? I'm not involved in that area of the anime fandom, so I'm curious. Cosplaying, conventions, all those aspects are completely foreign to me.

Exactly! That mindset seems to be dying off. It makes me happy to find people on this site who recognize that thought I may not agree with them on everything, that does not have to set the stage for instant dislike. Some people I have had excellent discussions with only have a ~40% compatibility with me.

Steph is that character that I just couldn't help but laugh at. Sucks for her that she was often used as a sounding-board for Sora and Shiro to shine, but damn it was hilarious! xD
Got it, got it. When I first started watching anime the heavy amounts of skin were what I equated to ecchi, but after a few years of watching anime my definition has evolved. For me ecchi has come to mean those anime that manage to present extremely sexual situations without actually crossing that boundary. Flashing a few boobs is just going to please a young teenage male (or immature adult, I guess), but most people these days become desensitized to that alone. Most of the ecchi I enjoy is comedy based. The currently airing Shimoneta is a prime example of that. Characters are climaxing pretty much every episode, but surprisingly little skin is actually shown.

I put the show off for a long time, but I eventually turned it on and watched it start-to-finish in one sitting. I love it as well. I desperately hope for a season 2, if Madhouse isn't forthcoming though, I'm going to have to check out the LNs.
Kiryrin Aug 6, 2015 4:48 PM
I work as a waitress at a bookstore & cafe on weekdays and chill there as a customer on weekends, so I also have a pretty interesting dynamic going on = u=

But it takes forever for mangas to finish ; u;
I recently read 100+ chapters of D. Gray Man and now I'm all caught up. It took me sooooooooo long >__>

How does freelance modeling work? Do you just like...apply for positions? o.o
OMG YES THAT TOO. I can't tell you how much I love Asian food and I'm also from a part of China where we eat lots of spicy stuff. Don't have to worry about makeup! <333
I have a korean friend who lives on makeup everyday and is like....OCD about fixing it or something. It's crazy how much time a day girls can spend on makeup >__>
Airzel1 Aug 5, 2015 10:14 PM
Hmm isn't is for girls? xD why u asked for this? Wanna play with me? ;3
Protaku Aug 5, 2015 9:23 PM
Hehe, can't see how you can get much better xD If I cosplayed, I don't have a talent for creating anything besides fiction, so I'd have to order all my outfits online haha. Cool that you wear your cosplays more than once though. I assume you go to conventions and stuff often :D

How much do average cosplays cost :O? I'd imagine they'd be a lot for good ones lol.

That costest though Though if you do cosplay as Shiro, she'll look kind of lonely without her Sora onii-chan hehe~

It took me a while too to realize MAL was a forum too xD But I'm here like often because I have messages and stuff to reply to~

Because men are manly and aren't allowed to cry at all ;_____; So I settled with being happy Kaori got her wish to be remembered in the end ^^

Airzel1 Aug 5, 2015 5:06 AM
Okay, i will look at this. How r u? Good mood?
Protaku Aug 4, 2015 11:14 PM
Oooooo it looks great! Even better since BRS is one of my favorite anime xD Do you ever like, cosplay as the same person again?
Cosplaying looks fun though, maybe I should try it out sometime.

Ah, I see. Must be pricey either way though ;_; I'm sure you'll be pro at making your own cosplays soon enough though~

Plz share pics of said Shiro cosplay xD

I've met tons of people here on MAL with my same interests, so that's always awesomeness ^_^ And thanks!

D'awwwww it must have been really hard to take in that last episode then >< I was on the verge myself, but I manned it out and remained manly haha. Can't say the same for Clannad.
CamTheThief Aug 4, 2015 2:07 PM
What cosplay are you looking into doing next?
Thank you! Another person who realizes that taste is subjective! I can't even begin to count the amount of times I have been told I have shit taste. The conversation usually plays out as this: "Oh, I have shit taste? I'm shit too? Thank you, truly, now kindly fuck off. Mk. Bye." I'm fine with people having diverging opinions, that's natural. But whenever people try to proclaim their subjective thoughts as superior it grates on me.

Cute is the defining factor of that show, most definitely. I recall a certain speech about the essence of cuteness! xD
Oh, it was there. A few bath scenes might come to your mind, or pretty much any scene with Steph! Pretty cool that you can overlook fan-service completely. People judge a show for its fan-service missing out on legitimately good content.
hitokiri1859 Aug 4, 2015 1:18 PM
I'm doing pretty good life is a trap i've been working quite abit so still trying to balance work and game play and then anime it's not working so well xD I actually have to leave for work soon too gg
Airzel1 Aug 4, 2015 4:35 AM
SIV? I have never heard about it xD Can u give me link or something?
Frankyyy Aug 4, 2015 2:10 AM
I've been good :P stop being so busy
hitokiri1859 Jul 27, 2015 2:20 PM
Its np its always great seeing people who cosplay and pull it off really well ^^
Airzel1 Jul 27, 2015 6:02 AM
Hahaha ok ;d you know...we can talk about everything...okay almost everything, not just anime ; ) Just i dont know what do u like without cosplays(i dont know it so it's hard title for me xd) anime&manga ;p
Protaku Jul 24, 2015 10:59 PM
Woah, that's a truck tun of awesome cosplays! I would have loved to see you when you were cosplaying Black Rock Shooter or Stocking <3 Do you like make your own cosplays, or do you do a mix of ordering online and making them :O?
Oooooo a Shiro cosplay sounds like it'd be a little hard to pull off, but I'm sure you can do it!

Haha that's good to hear :) I don't know a lot of people in general who share the same interests as me ;___;

That Shigatsu love though xD Did the ending make MiharuNya-chan get watery eyed?
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