-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*-_*(pretend this is a border with lots of time and effort put into it)*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-*_-
My name is actually Midg3tLuv and I am sticking to that story. I have lived across the world. My main home is California. I have influences from England and Hawaii because I have lived in those places as well. I have no problem representing Cali, 808, or CAMBS. I love my homes and they are all special to me.
Ladies; if there are any passing by my profile, I am a college educated man. If you can tolerate a man who has passions for Harley-Davidson, travelling, education, and anime/manga, please use this as an equivalent of a Tinder profile and send me messages.
Ladies; please don't read this next part.
Dudes; I came up with something called the "waifu paradox". I would like some thoughts on my concept. Everyone says they have the best waifu(s). When someone claims they have a waifu, the other party wants to know who it is. When the waifu in question is anyone other than the inquisitors waifu, the inquisitor assumes waifu supremacy. When the person in question names the inquisitors waifu, there is an awkward "mine" tendency... I have no idea where I am going with this. Sailor Mars is best and only waifu.
Ladies may resume reading from here on out.
I have a scale of 1-10 I refer to when rating the entertainment on this website. It goes something like this. Please pretend there is a fancy border around it with Blingee cancer and gifs that look cool.
10) Damn son, that is some quality entertainment that everyone needs in their life.
9) This is pretty sweet. I want more! It does something for me.
8) This is the threshold for tickling my testicles (this is a good thing).
7) Not too shabby. This is like wearing a silk aloha shirt to an interview. It is acceptable at some places, but not everywhere. Yeah, aloha shirts are formal attire in Hawaii. Don't wear an aloha shirt with board shorts in Hawaii. You look like a dork. Literal *insert sex symbol here* cannot pull that look off. Only do this if you want to be made fun of, have someone piss in your coconut, or you are an undercover agent in Waikiki and want to blend in. You are alright in these fringe scenarios. Wow I am off topic. Oh well. Next number!
6) This is better than average. I am not bored and I have had at least a few laughs or deep thoughts.
5) These are extraordinarily average. This may be my 3rd lowest ranking. 1<2<5<rest of the numbers. Think about it, shows that are average aren't good because they don't stand out because they are so normal.
4) This number has the most interpretations.These shows are good for all the wrong reasons, ya done pissed me off, or you are a subpar "average" show.
3) These are things that can be described as "disappointments", "hard to watch", or "technically inept".
2) This is a funny number because it encompasses 1's and 2's. This is garbage that is arduous to finish. Watching these shows made me sad. There comes a point in your life why you wonder why you do this to yourself.
1) The only requirement to be a 1 on this list is to be "Girls und Panzer". It is my only 1 and my only dropped show. It is the only thing I have never been able to finish. This has to be the only show worse than going through army basic combat training. This show is so bad that my scale is effectively 2-10. I have no idea why this show is somewhat popular. I guess greasy World of Tanks nerds occasionally knock one out to this show and give it a 10. I digress. That was vulgar. Forget I said that last part. Only remember the beginning few sentences.
(End of awesome border encompassing my rating scale)
Most critics on this site make me recall this gem from the Simpsons (American Anime) -
Marge = producers and other MAL users
Homer = "critics"
Pork Chop = anime/manga
Marge: Who wants pork chops?
Homer: [carefully tastes the food] Sorry Marge, I'm afraid this gets my lowest rating ever. Seven thumbs up.
Marge: You always liked my pork chops.
Homer: Marge, I'm sorry, but your cooking's only got two moves: Shake and Bake.
Marge: You like Shake n' Bake. You used to put it in your coffee.
Homer: People change, Marge. My palate has grown more sophisticated.
Marge: Oh yeah, what's a palate?
Homer: Oh ... it's a ... special time in a boy's life when ... got to go! [rushes out after taking more pork chops]
I have another thought for you if you are reading this light novel of a biography. Why do people with a average score less than 5 still watch anime? They aren't enjoying it. It doesn't make them a tough critic, it makes them a lonely prick with nothing better to do than watch, rate, and force themselves to do stuff they clearly aren't enjoying. I am on this site because I love me some Japanese cartoons. I like buff dudes beating up buff dudes and magical girls. They are both God-tier concepts. I like vicariously going on an adventure with fantasy and magic. I enjoy thinking deeply about philosophies. I want to know more about how people think. I love to see different characters and see different developments. It is alright for people to be a "critic", on a site of little importance in the grand scheme of things, and be a fanboy. Some people have forgot about being a fanboy and loving something unconditionally, anime brings back illogical levels of admiration. Liking a series more than you should and turning a blind eye to some flaws is not inherently a bad thing.
I will accept nearly all friend invites. How am I supposed to draw unparalleled strength from my inner nakama power without friends? Yeah, I didn't think so. I will send friend requests to people who say nice things on my profile or people who I have a high affinity with. I want/need to have a large source of people to use for suggestions, and lists, so I may continue to love anime.
<3 Midg3tLuv
On 31 March 2016 I was an admin on this site. It was awesome.
All Comments (61) Comments
Being objective, most of the texts on this site are not analyses, they are just strong opinions, which for some reason the individual felt like sharing in the form of a review, from what I saw this is your case too.
I'll tell ya what dawg, you seem like an extra special shounen. I don't know if you're a fan of el classic "cinema", or in other words, plain tv and such, but I'm gonna give ya the link to my "normie" rating page just in case you need some mats. A lotta the good shit's the same anime I have at the top here, but still a lotta good flicks mixed in. No need to thank me. Knowing we're boosting each other's nakama power just by existing is thanks enough. Hope it comes in handy comrade.
In conclusion, you don't even say why the narrative itself is bad, instead resorting to a shitty analogy.
well, it's a failed adaptation so R.I.P.
also I can't believe they took out the crashing plane from the scene.
As for GO, you could watch it in Japanese but not only do you lose out on the additional effort put into the English accents of the non-American characters, you also do struggle a bit with keeping up on the specific American nuances and the more complex concepts being used. The origin of the story is Japanese but the direction they had with this adaptation is definitely a firm attempt at emulating live-action American cinematography, not to mention that the story's point of view is heavily rooted in the American perspective.
Now as someone who's in psychology, I heavily disagree with the story's primary academic thesis. Like you can tell that the person just doesn't have much formal training or even a cursory knowledge of psychology if we base it on the adaptation. Then again, the approach is from a pure linguistics perspective but I think if I were to adapt I'd totally change the pure linguistics standpoint and use a psycholinguistics one instead.
Yeah, I bought and watched it again on Blu-Ray as the whole IP will probably be part of some kind of academic research I intend to do in the future, yet to read the English translation of the book this adaptation was based on though. And also I do prefer buying Blu-Rays, real costly due to the exchange rates but hey I get a good overall product so why not lel
Malaysia's fine bro, overall slowdowns on the economy. Election's coming soon, I didn't bother to register as there're really no suitable candidates from any party in my district. Probably the situation will remain that way for a long time until some who finally graduate from uni can try their luck and tenacity in politics cuz, for better or worse your politics is essentially the same as mine, only difference is that we got a king and you don't lol
And yeah, still working on my books, but kinda slowed down cuz I've been having some physical problems lately, tryna find a decent, affordable gym that's close by to rectify that. And I don't think I'll ever switch my focus. Sure, I may study psych but that's only to help me get a grasp on people in general, with practical benefits on management overall. I used to think I'd be a shrink of some sort but I guess my art teacher had always been right all along, that what I REALLY wanted to do wasn't the business of shrinking people, but in multimedia editing and management.
Long story short, if ya don't know what's it about, it's basically this dude in spec ops named Clavis Shepherd with orders to scope out this dude named John Paul who's suspected of inciting some crazy shit to happen in other peoples' backyard and eliminate 'im on site, or was it capture, either one of that