Please Come Back And Check It Out - Thanx!!! =D
♥Heyy, My name is Moni♥
I found about MAL through one of my besties (Mikki-Chan) who is majorly into manga and anime! After showing me her account I joined and yer...
Some other info: Im 15 and from Aust♥
Fav manga and anime: Bleach, Ouran Host Clud, DN'Angel, Black Cat, Fruits Basket, Full Moon, DeathNote, and some others which at this particular moment cant remember.... =( Oh Well! lol ♥
My besties: Mikki-Chan & Feaj-Chan ♥
♥Luv ya 2♥
♥Sunkist Moments...Priceless♥
All Comments (98) Comments
How are you???
Look at this:
Remove the * and then put the code at the end of your About Me without the *
Put that code at the end except replacing the ( and )
At the VERY end of your profile put this:
(/spoiler)(/center) Except replace the () with []
Did you set up your signature?
If you do change it.. keep the besties pictures there >< Lol. I took ages on them , haha xD
my About Me is going to be FILLED with codes T_T I'm going to get so confused. -sigh-
I like how yours is coming along! Very nice xD
Poor you~
I'm now HYPERR~
Dang T_T
Aw :o
At least we have longer to chat though xD