Hey there :3
I'm Mickey Red .... well I liked to be called that because my nick name is Mickey and my last name is Redwolf
I'm Native American
I am proud to be Native American :D
I am weird I am not ashamed to be weird
I am not the best typer in the world
I am an idiot sometimes.............well .....most of the time
If your bi, gay or anything else I will not make definitely NOT judge you
I have your back no worries ^.^
I also have your back oniisama (my best friend we treat each other like brother and sister)
I like to talk to people who are different it fascinates me :)
I LOVE to see people who try to impress me or get nervous around me I find it CUTE
I LOVE to accept challenges especially if it involves beatin the LIFE out of you
But that's when you piss me off
I am Single xD
Just to warn you I have a CUTE and a
I LOVE anime and I listen to any kind of music
I am funny, random and other stuff I can't think right now sorry :(
I like sports that involves running
I am kinda old fashion cause I believe in TRUE LOVE *.*
Some artist inspire me
You will see when you are viewing my profile :)
I like to draw and stuff
So that's me
P.s don't be afraid to talk to me or send me a friend request ^.^
Just to warn you I am shy at first then I will get use to you and could be myself around you ;)
All Comments (10) Comments
i know v.v she's a whore...
how small?
how a good time at your party!! xD
Yay xD
Haha I saw a hot Asian today ;P
(AWSOME!! I'm recording with my band next month!!!!!!)