I like anime,that's why I'm here. I like fanfictions to read and write (good fanfic recommendations are welcomed :) )
I have a brother and actually, he made me watch YYH and... it was love at first sight.
So.. I am quiet busy, but now and then watching anime is the best way to relax and forget about everything.
All Comments (8) Comments
its like a home or a niche or a YYH hub
theres even a thread for finding subs and dubs
so would you join this club that i really do love?
Vreau sa fac putina publicitate unui radio romanesc cu muzica japoneza. Da,muzica japoneza.
Kaen No Ongaku
Site-ul are de acum o noua "fata" si e mai fluffy ca niciodata :3
Radio e online 24/7,iar in unele seri sunt emisii in care intra DJ, printre care si eu. Atunci se pot lua cereri si dedicatii,fie cu ajutorul site-ul la sectiunea "Online cu DJ-ul", fie pe ID-ul de dedicatii: kno_ro ,fie pe chat.
Chat-ul este plin de lume vesela,so join us =^__^=
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Have fun with us~
nice to meet you too michiyoo-chan