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Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai
Sep 11, 2015 3:21 PM
Watching 6/12 · Scored -
Rokka no Yuusha
Rokka no Yuusha
Sep 11, 2015 3:20 PM
Watching 10/12 · Scored -
Sep 5, 2015 6:59 PM
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Nanatsu no Taizai
Nanatsu no Taizai
Sep 11, 2015 3:20 PM
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Akame ga Kill!
Akame ga Kill!
Sep 6, 2014 2:56 PM
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Pandora Hearts
Pandora Hearts
May 14, 2014 6:45 AM
Reading 93/107 · Scored 10

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Diangelo18 May 9, 2021 9:33 AM
Rinne Apr 1, 2020 12:43 PM
Strong Feb 19, 2020 2:22 AM
Yuna Jun 27, 2016 5:41 PM
wow ur alive on here now
Yuna Jul 22, 2014 6:06 AM
wow ur alive on here now
KingLear Apr 24, 2013 1:34 PM
It's okay, I've been having a lot of work at school recently too. In fact, I'm having my final exams and university entrance exams like in a month or so, but well, I'm usually calm when it comes to these things. I hope I manage somehow. And I always find some time for relax. I remember a lot of people saying that Nisemono is more plot orriented, I don't think it's true though. There is some glimpse of plot, but it's still heavily dialogue driven and as you said, focused on characters.
Yeah, I was wondering about it too. Araragi also said something along the lines that 'Hanekawa Tsubasa is the most perfect woman ever' (more specifically, he said that in doubt when he suddenly got the hots for his sister haha, but still)... I mean, I love Tsubasa yet it's pretty harsh thing to say and I wonder what would Senjougahara said if she heard it.
Oh, you know Japanese? That's great, I'm envious. I've managed to learn the basic phrases from anime and some vocabulary and that's it, but I like the language and culture so much that I'm applying for a Japanese philology course at university. If I manage to get in, you could probably give me some lessons, lol.
Have fun at the convention and I'm expecting a report about the pillow freaks, haha. I've been at a convection only once, it was enough for me though. I felt so out of place. It was quite fun though (I know, I'm contradicting myself). But I swear, like every second cosplay there was that of Gaara from Naruto. It was almost scary. I would understand if it were Naruto, you know, the MC and all, but Gaara? It was so weird.
Haha yeah, she probably would. Actually not, what am I playing at? She's not the jealous type at all. She would be probably glad that I bought something that is a bit useful (to her it looks like it at least), in comparison to anime figures that only stand on the shelf and gather dust.
You're right, these are the only differencies in written English. That wouldn't be a problem, but when we're having listening and spoken exams, there are usually British native speakers. For us foreigners is the difference in accent quite fatal. I personally have no big problems with this, since (as I said) I've visited England and I've watched a fair amount of British TV shows, but a lot of my classmates have problems with that. They're just not used to it and sometimes it's pretty hard to understand. Scottish people especially. I'm pretty much lost when it comes to Scottish accent. I think I need to spend some time there to get to know it better.
I've been studying English on my own for probably 5 years or so. Of course I had classes on elementary school too, but I think I've improved the most in the past five years. Oh yeah, England is great. Especially London and Oxford. I don't know why, but I really feel like at home there. I could just sit there on a bench in a park and I'd probably be happy. The little villages are pretty charming too though. It would be the perfect place to retire haha.
So you're from America, that's cool. Of course, I'd like to go there too. I'd love to go on a road trip through the whole America like in the book from Jack Kerouac On The Road, do you know it? That would be awesome.
Okay, I'll add the manga to my list then. You're right about the anime, it's a shame that there most probably won't be a second season. However I think the manga is quite popular, isn't it? I'm really curious about how the story progresses. I'm quite afraid that some of my favourite characters might die and that would be really bad, since PH has one of the most amazing cast of characters ever.
Oh, I think it was the second episode as well (the violence on Shizuo). Some guy dared to hit him and then Shizuo threw him so hard that he was stripped off his clothes. I guess this can only happen in Durarara.
Alright then, good luck at school and see you after the hiatus :D :)
Fiji Apr 23, 2013 4:27 PM
I have finished writing all of my exams! Hell yes!

No more studying for me! Time to enjoy my summer break!!!!

Back to our conversation...

Darn! I didn't think of the third possibility... I didn't expect your group will get disqualified. That is so... phooey. Don't let it get you down. :D

Speaking of dropping anime, I actually have dropped a couple of them today too. I really need to get on clearing my on-hold anime soon.

The original Love Hina has 14 volumes. There are 5 omnibus volumes, 3 volumes worth on 1 omnibus volume... but since 14 isn't divisible by 3, the final volume only contains 2 volumes instead. It is better to buy the omnibus volume since they have a fresher print compared to the original 14 which was printed like 10 years ago? So I recommend you buying the omnibus volumes instead. It is only 5 volumes so it won't be that expensive.

Oh yeah, the descendant girl. I completely forgot the reason. Ahahaha. Evangeline was pretty cute too. I didn't like how Negima ends... since we just got a convenient chapter that he found Nagi completely. Hahaha. I also learned in anime that milk is supposed to make your boobs grow. Ahahaha.

Oh... I kind of got into Fairy Tail when I first read the first 6 volumes of the manga that I borrowed in the school library when I was still in highschool. By the time I moved into the anime, the anime was in episode 11. I don't know... but I am starting to lose my interest in Fairy Tail. Even though the dragons are badasses, I don't find Future Rouge to be a great villain. I am getting tired of this arc already.

Wow. I am glad you liked it! I have the same reaction as you when I first saw this on TV. I also watched their interview video on how the video was created... and they said that it was only one take with all the people joining the parade! I love the story of the video, the girl not hearing the parade behind her until she removed her earphones! Ahaha. Nope. Haven't heard of them. I guess I am moving more on the anime music instead.

Hmm, not really. Ah... no, no. The focus here is the exposed skin, not the 'area' higher up on the girl! Someone here has a dirty mind... hehehe. If you can't see any exposed skin because it is so high up... that is not zettai ryouiki anymore!!! Oh... you don't wear them anymore??? I bet they were stretched too much from wearing it that you are not wearing them anymore? Ahahaha. Just kidding.

Whoa, I was close. But that is a pretty long name for a dessert. Haha. I guess I have a knack on recognizing something from a picture... I am a graphic communication student after all. The signature red bow/ribbon of Hello Kitty is recognizable. So yeah. Oh my god. LOL. Your dad typing on your keyboard??? Ahahaha. Since I have been using computers... I can pretty much touch type now... which is not looking in the keyboard.

Oh... I am going to miss you MiYeon if you do take a hiatus. Don't worry, I understand. You are in your final year in highschool after all. I completely understand your pain. I have a Skype... hmmm. I never really chatted with an online friend... but I am down to do it if needed be! Just message me your Skype ID if you are down for it.

Anyways... to make things lively again (well for me at least)
Time to party!

No more homework! No more projects! No more paper! No more exams! Time to enjoy my much awaited summer break! Lots of things to do! Design a new layout, attend a convention, and watch more anime!!!

I wish you the best of luck!
KingLear Apr 6, 2013 10:12 AM
As the previous series, Nisemonogatari is quite quick-paced and entertaining, I liked the character's interactions and the art was stunning like in Bakemonogatari. It introduced some good new characters too, especially some interesting villains. I'm pretty sure Araragi got laid too, haha... or maybe I'm just imagining things. They didn't show anything though.
Oh yes, the toothbrush scene. It felt so weird. I really can't find any other words to describe it... I can't say I hated it, but it was just plain weird. I found Araragi more perverted in this series than in the previous one.
As for Shinobu... I wouldn't say she's exactly outgoing, she's pretty sarcastic and almost mean to Araragi, but Nisemonogatari explores their relationship nicely so it's shown they're in fact really close to each other. She also has a constant smirk on her face and I love her seiyuu! And she speaks in a pretty interesting manner, I think it's some form of archaic Japanese, not sure though, I'm no expert lol.
I find the pillow freaks really odd, having a Senjougahara pillow would be awesome though, especially if it was from you haha :D:) But I wouldn't take it with myself on trips though. I think my girlfriend wouldn't be pleased as well, although she's used to some of my oddities.
Actually, the English classes in my school are pretty bad, they basically haven't taught us anything. Even though I'm studying at a school that focuses on languages, the quality of education is pretty bad. E.g. all of our exams are based on the knowledge of British English, but our conversation teacher is American. The other teacher doesn't know shit, she hardly knows the basic grammar. Thanks to that, I was forced to study on my own. Attending individual classes, watching movies and reading books in English; I've also visited England twice. Speaking or writing with strangers helps quite a lot. May I ask where are you from btw? :)
I have no clue how old Break is, I've been wondering about this myself. The Pandora Hearts Wikia says he's 39 mentally, of course he looks younger. But I guess with all the years in Abyss, it's hard to tell.
I miss Pandora Hearts. I see you're following the manga, I don't read manga that much, but I've been considering reading PH, because I liked the anime a lot and the ending was pretty unsatisfying. Is it worth the try?
Izaya sure is tough, lol. The funny thing is that Shizuo, who, ironically enough, throws around vending machines and stuff started bleeding when some guy hit him with a stick. Life's not fair.
Fiji Apr 5, 2013 12:58 PM
If you have visited my profile on the days before this comment, or even now it is still up, I have been trapped... no more like I was confined in a hell of schoolwork! Luckily I have finished writing those university papers!!! I only have a final design project to do and final exams to worry!

And yes, it has been like two weeks of me not replying... so I guess that just balances out our late replying... but yeah. I am sorry I can't reply faster! But yeah, now I kind of got back on MAL now with more vigor and time to reply.

I have made you wait, my dearest minion... oops I meant MiYeon! Hehehe. Now here is my reply!

Since a lot of things could have happened in the past 2 weeks... I assume you have finished doing the competition? If you did, how bad oops, how well did you do? Ahahaha. XD If you did bad, better luck next time, if you did well... congratulations!

Yeah. There were times that I got bored when watching Durarara. The characters that I hate there are the couple and the sister of Seiji-whatever the name is. When I watched it, it was like an anime of a genre that I have never seen before, so it felt like a new experience.

I've been meaning to watch Higurashi... but I just cannot get the time on watching it. I will watch it for sure after I finished all of my exams.

Uhmm... no. I have like started collecting when I first came in to Canada... 2009. It is 2013 now. It has been 4 years So yeah... I don't really spend my money that much I don't even buy new clothes... they pretty much went on my manga collection! Ahaha. Actually, the grant from the government that I got for university purposes... I used it to buy my manga! Ahaha. This will surely haunt me in the future... paying in those grants. Ahahaha.

Speaking of Love Hina, I finally got my Vol. 5 of the Omnibus! I finally have the whole series as my own! I seriously love the Love Hina series. Well, you better get on finishing reading it!!! Negima on the other hand... yes. I can't believe I powered through 20+ chapters of just harem stuff that was just boring. Things got a little bit more exciting when he met Kotaro. Then we got more battles. It got more exciting when Negi learned using the dark powers he learned from Evangeline.

Line up reasons? I thought you have an idea for this but I guess not. Students line up... for example, the flag ceremony, meeting of all students in the auditorium, and also field trips. I actually consume milk every day. But I guess this is the end of my growth spurt but still have some high hopes. Hmm. Not always... but I guess I can kinda agree with what your mom says. Ahahaha.

Fairy Tail anime is completely finished... but they put what they did in the manga... the "To Be Continued"

I guess they still want the fans to look forward to it. Well, I hope this is true since the majority of shonen anime that stops that have a lot of episodes do not get a continuation. Great examples are Reborn! and D.Gray-Man. Oh, I didn't see that I made a mistake of using the bbcode. I missed an "l". I'll put it here again, but I assume you have seen it already.

I really love Paramore! I can't wait to get a copy of their 4th album on April 9th where it will be released worldwide!!! And I guess I'll give you the opportunity to hear my favorite Canadian bands. Here is a link for the song that I love and what made Marianas Trench which is titled "Cross My Heart". The video is pretty fun. For Hedley, just search for their sad song called "Perfect", it is pretty good.

I guess I'll expand more on the concert! The people that I have seen there is Fefe Dobson (start), Sean Kingston (middle), and Marianas Trench (last band to perform) of course! That concert is one of the best memories I will forever hold dear! It is such a lively experience. Felt so alive! I have great knowledge of these 3 artists... so I was able to sing along! It was also interesting when they talk about the audience especially the Marianas Trench. The main vocals Josh Ramsay is such a cool guy, swearing and shit like that! I also get to experience speaking encore!!! And they actually went back on the stage! Ahahaha. Even after the concert were finished, the excitement is still on my head and body as I rode my subway ride back home. When the concert was over, I finally started to feel the downside... my throat is so parched from singing that I bought a 1L carton of juice and the tiredness of my legs for standing for more than 4 hours throughout the concert.

Oh yeah, I completely forgot you are a big Kpop fan. I am kind of familiar with those bands you have mentioned since I always hear them from my sisters. Didn't expect that you like Ke$ha... Ahahaha. Not familiar with Tatu.

Spring break? University students don't have a spring break. Remember the reading week I told ya? That is pretty much our spring break. Luckily, I finish school on April 22, which dates my last exam!!!

For the two weeks have passed... I have something interesting that I want you to know (you might even know this already)! I was reading this manga about quiz called Nanamaru Sanbatsu ~7O3X~. This is the page from Chapter 3 and this got my attention.

Mari (the girl) revealed that the answer is called Zettai Ryouiki. I searched it up and it means "Absolute Territory" in English! Ahahaha. I can't believe there is actually a name on the skin exposed on the legs between the hemline of a skirt and the kneesocks! Ahahaha.

I learned the translation from the TV Tropes. It says on the site "Absolute Territory (zettai ryouiki in Japanese) describes the area of uncovered thigh between the skirt and the stockings that's apparently a total magnet for Male Gaze." Well, from my opinion.. it is true. A magnet for gazing. Also, another quote. "As a relatively new phenomenon, the symbolism of Zettai Ryouiki only recently began to crystallize. Since it is, by nature, a sensual costume that symbolizes budding, innocent sexuality." Yep. I find that correct too! Hahaha. There are also different levels of Zettai Ryouiki which depends on the length of the socks... but they say the true Zettai Ryouiki are over-knee and thigh highs level only. I'll repeat what I mentioned in our talk about this before... I hope you do not think of me as a pervert for sharing this! Ahahaha.

And seriously... I didn't expect you to share what you are eating. I don't know... but is that picture a blueberry crumble or what ever pastry is that called. Looks delicious. Ah, don't tempt me! You are making me drool. That aside... HAHAHA! I noticed your keyboard is full of Hello Kitty stickers! You are very girly alright.

Anyways, yeah, I am finally back! Thank you for waiting. Also noticed you are talking to more people. Your comments section don't just have my name and comments all over it! Ahahaha.
Veronin Apr 4, 2013 7:52 PM
Mostly the graduation aspect. The entire series builds up towards it and the episode in particular was executed brilliantly-- to an extent that it managed to make a grown male like me tear up. It's nearly impossible for me to watch the ending of the second season and movie again, and the song the girls play, "Tenshi Ni Fureta Yo", is the same. Honey & Clover is the only other anime that had this kind of impact.

The second season is improved upon in every way. The characters aren't defined by 'moe' traits but are instead developed naturally through dialogue and subtle body language. Music is also handled especially well (with songs such as U&I used to represent their growth), and production values are sky-high. The two seasons are pretty much different shows altogether.

Also, Azunyan is love.
Dark-Evolution Apr 3, 2013 9:30 PM
Apologies for the long delay but welcome to the Critics and Connoisseurs club.

Feel free to have a look around and become familiar with what the club has to offer. When you get a chance have a look at the club rules from the top of our homepage and in the Club FAQs thread. If you have any questions, you may ask an admin or refer to the Club FAQs thread.

Hope you enjoy your time being a member of the club.
KingLear Apr 3, 2013 1:27 PM
Well, I finished Nisemonogatari a few moments ago and I think it wasn't boring at all. I can understand though that it might seem like that to some people, since you kinda know what to expect (animation, dialogue and characters-wise). I really enjoyed it though! It has quite a lot of fanservice (compared to Bakemonogatari), not that I mind... :D I don't watch hentai or ecchi at all, but the fanservice in the Monogatari series is very well done imo. However, if you miss the characters from Bakemonogatari, you might be disappointed, since apart from Araragi, they get a very little screen time. The 'new' characters, Araragi's sisters and a few others are amazing though, so it doesn't really matter. As for Shinobu, I was surprised by her personality, but in a good way. She really is awesome, I think she's my third favourite character right now.
So well... I think Nisemonogatari is worth the watch, it didn't disappoint me at all.
Lol I know right, I don't understand those people at all. I mean, it's okay to love a character, but I find the pillows with the picture of the character on it (I'm not sure how it's called) and all the 'waifu'' stuff pretty weird. Not to mention that some Japanese actually married their favourite character... that's a bit fucked up. On the other hand, if someone gave me a pillow with Senjougahara on it for a present, I wouldn't decline of course :D.
I'm quite pleased to hear (or read... well) about my English, although I still have a lot to learn, since I want to work as a translater, therefore I have to master the language. I'm trying though.
You're right that Break and Izaya are kinda similar, but as you said, Break is a lot nicer. As for Break, I really liked that his character looked like a laid-back joker, but in fact he had a really tragic past. It might seem like a cliche, but something like this really makes you like the character more. It's also true that Break cares about people who surround him, but Izaya just toys with them. You could say he cares for them too though... in his own twisted way, haha.
Oh yeah, I think it was the vending machine. It was the second episode I think, when Izaya introduced himself to Kida and Mikado.
Angel_Milk Apr 2, 2013 11:27 PM
Thank you :3 Is that so? Was wondering since I am Korean.

Well, I am actually a fan of Higurashi. Its just the anime is a bad adaptation.
Angel_Milk Apr 2, 2013 6:59 AM
Something tells me that you are. Your friend seems to agree with me at least. Also, are you by any chance Korean?
Veronin Apr 2, 2013 5:01 AM
Because it is the best slice of life anime, and one that perhaps had the most emotional impact on me. Also take note that I don't praise the first season; only the second and the movie. I wrote reviews for both of those if you're interested (although they're close to a year old now and not written nearly as well as I'd have liked).
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