So.. a bit about my taste.
I like a pretty wide variety of anime. For every genre there are good series and bad
ones but given the prodigious amount that I've seen and enjoyed I think it's easier
for me to give you an idea of my taste by explaining what I don't like so much.
I prefer to avoid long-running shows if possible since I sort of have a habit of finishing
what I start even if it's not all that good. If I'm not careful I can end up watching
say.. 300+ episodes of Bleach. Most of my favorites are around 24 episodes in all
but some anime can stay fresh and interesting for 50 or so. I can get bored easily
if the story doesn't move along or if there's too much exposition.
If an anime is completely lacking in the art department I can't watch it. I care quite a bit
about the plot and character development but a series with amazing art will probably
hold my attention even if it is lacking a bit in either category. This is also why I have
trouble watching certain retro anime, some of them make my eyes itch.
MetalMagic's Top Priorities for Maximum Enjoyment
#1: Art (differing standards for traditional animation vs. CG)
#2: Sound (good music, voice acting.. no bad dubs allowed!)
#3: Character Design & Development (keeping it interesting)
#4: Plot (original concepts, good momentum and meaningful)
As for manga I think of it allot like I think of watching Game of Thrones vs reading the
amazing books. Because I haven't read them yet I can enjoy the show for what it is
and I don't get that feeling of betrayal when the plot doesn't coalesce with the text.
Later if I read it I get to re-experience the material with some bonus easter eggs.
I love talking anime and I'm here if you're looking for suggestions. If you see any
life-altering material missing from my list let me know about it!

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This is the movie remake of a good action arc in Gintama. You can watch this actiony arc without having the watch all the comedy in the series.