I am reading Gantz right now and reached Chapter 150. I can understand what you mean, this Manga is lazy as hell. None of the character is able to use their Brain or act logical at all. Mostly in the "Buddha Hunt"-Arc which was more like a bad Horror Movie.
hey, your gantz review couldn't express my opinion better about the manga. but at the same time i can't even see a high point in the series. i would say the scenary art is ok, but the character design is really poor. i mean, i've seen kinda 15 characters that were exactly like Kurono in appearance (at some point there were two characters with light hair who wore dark glasses on the same team), plus i think the aliens isn't author's creation, seems like he just picked up some pop/forgotten figures and adapted it to his manga. i didn't want to hate his shit, actually i was really hyped before start to reading, but the story disappointed me at the first chapter, wich is sad... i gave it a 1 score, but if i could give it a -10 i would do it without hesitation. everytime i'm reading gantz i realize that it really piss me off and i'll finish it just for the curiosity.
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L Bozo
(sorry for my bad english, i'm brazilian)