NOTE: This month the newsletter was sent to all of our lovely club members to encourage subscription and participation from everyone. If you wish to continue receiving these, please ask for it (if you haven't done already) here in this topic.
Hope these updates helped! Have a good day
- BLC Staff
If you'd like to keep receiving these updates then please sign up in the [url=]Newsletter[/url] thread!
Otherwise, don't. Hope these updates helped! Have a good day
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☆ N E W S L E T T E R ☆
Join us for a simulwatch Christmas Day!
[size=90]Hello! Our club needs more active members. Here are some updates and activities to participate in:
Introduce Yourself
Manga of the Week
Anime Talk
Simulwatch with Us!
What's on your mind?
Vote for our next Simulwatch!
Vote for your fav author!
BL Categories is Hiring!
Chat with us on IRC @ #bl-categories!
Don't forget to hit the "Toggle Watching" option on these threads so they can be easily accessible ;)
Make a Suggestion
Category List
Doujinshi List
If you'd like to keep receiving these updates then please sign up in the [url=]Newsletter[/url] thread!
Otherwise, don't. Hope these updates helped! Have a good day
It's the official design for Halloween Miku 2014
you can use this symbolic badge in your profile to show the world your achievements.