I mostly am on anilist now, i also mostly just read manga, anime just does not do it for me anymore. Something about the ease of reading manga, and the effort put in by the author/artist just makes me enjoy it much.
Sorry for not responding to any messages, I will get to them sooner or later. If you really want to talk to me you can contact my discord, I will usually respond pretty quick, it is mentioned below but still here it is: Meraki#1580
I am obnoxious enough to have my personality type in my bio. At least I don't have my zodiac in my bio though. What's the difference between the two? One is for white girls, the other is for sanctimonious nerds.
Zodiac: Gemini
Description: Born in June.
I don't care enough to know anymore about it.
You will probably see me watch a lot of shit anime, I like watching them I get bored really easily so I watch just anything that pops up or gets recommended, they are still enjoyable in my opinion. I rarely find an anime not enjoyable so I will watch almost anything except for shows I have a deep hatred for, in that case check my dropped there lie the shows I hate.
TLDR: I am a degenerate, and an auto-masochist.
Favorite bands/artists: Diablo Swings Orchestra (they are great no matter what you say), Panchiko, The Weeknd, Barenaked ladies, Lil Baby, Slipknot, $NOT, BrentRambo/Noir Brent, Future, Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Hello Sleepwalkers, BRADIO, The Oral Cigarettes and The Dubliners.
Favorite music genres: I have no favorite genre, every genre has some good, and some trash.
I am a massive music nerd so if you want to discuss any songs or, recommend any songs/artists/albums feel free to do so.
Will work on my bio more in the future.
Regarding favorite lists, I will at some point add reasoning to why they are my favorites.
My favorites list right now is outdated and wrong as hell. just look at the anime I gave a 10. or the favorites section that MAL provides
Since you made it down here which is not that far. I got a question for you.
Why do Greek statues have such small penises?
I was the model
My first anime is Naruto
Completed somewhere around 2013
my 100th anime is B: The beginning
Completed somewhere in November 2018
Still working on this, will divide into male and female
Berserk 1997: Tell Me Why - PenPals
Bungou Stray Dogs: Setsuna no ai - GRANRODEO
Neon Genesis Evangelion: A Cruel Angel's Thesis - Yoko Takahashi
Noragami: Goya wa Machiawase - Hello Sleepwalkers
Noragami Aragoto: Kyouran Hey Kids!! - The Oral Cigarettes
Tokyo Ghoul: Unravel - Toru Kitajima
Kimestsu No Yaiba: Gurenge - LiSA
No Game No Life: This Game - Konomi Suzuki
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Hikaru Nara - Goose House
Fire Force: Inferno - Mrs.GREEN APPLE
Naruto Shippuden: If - Daisuke
Great Teacher Onizuka: Last Piece - Kirari
Golden Time: Sweet & Sweet Cherry - Yui Horie
Noragami Aragoto: Nirvana - Tia
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso: Kirameki - Wacci
Kimetsu No Yaiba: Kamado Tanjiro no Uta - Go Shiina ft. Nami Nakagawa
Still a work in progress, I forgot a lot of my favorites lol
First and foremost, I mostly rate shows out of personal enjoyment, I do look for more when watching anime, but my ratings are heavily impacted by personal enjoyment, so far from a perfect rating system.
Now here comes my rating system, which should be self-explanatory but I still made one.
10/10. I try not to give a lot of shows a 10/10, if I do give them a 10/10 in my opinion they are virtually perfect, and nothing will best them. If you are looking for an extended favorites list. I only give my favorites a 10/10.
9/10. These are the shows that just did not cut it for the 10/10 rating. They are still amazing but I would not consider them my favorites.
8/10. This is where they start to have more flaws, or lack some more stuff, they are overall still very good shows.
7/10. 7/10 shows are a bit more basic, lack some originality or have a lot of inconsistencies.
6/10. This is where I put the shows that I think are okay, there is nothing special about them, and nothing particularly good, but I still kind of enjoyed watching them.
5/10. These are just okay, again nothing special about them, and nothing particularly good, they start to follow a template so they have little originality, this is where majority of Isekai shows will end up.
4/10. They are watchable, but kind of cringe inducing at some points.
3/10. Now we start to enter the shit show of anime. 3/10 reviews mean they are pretty bad but I felt they deserved a bit more than a 2/10.
2/10. They are really bad, but not quite worthy of a 1/10.
1/10. Pure garbage, an absolute dumpster fire, just horrible, don't know why I watched it in the first place.
0/10 sadly I cannot rate shows a 0/10 I would not rate many shows a 0/10 though, I can only really think of Boruto as a 0/10.
Hi Meraki, merry Christmas to Canada! I bet by now you are completely covered by snow lol. Sorry for my humour attempt. I know I am not active here very much, but if you feel like it you can write anytime and I will do my best to respond.
Hey man, we kinda just stopped talking without a word, so I thought it was about time I sent a proper goodbye. Even if it lead to me doing some things I'm not proud of, it was a lot of fun building discord servers, playing video games, and talking about whatever with you. The couple of years I spent in isolation because of the pandemic would've probably fucked me up far worse if I didn't have someone to help pass the time. It also certainly gave me a lot of fun stories to tell to my friends now. I hope you're doing well now. I'm glad to see that things must be looking a little better for you since you're still coming online here and there. I'm not sure if we'd get along now as well as we used to in the past. I'm a drastically different person than the kid you remember, but I'm thankful for the time we did click. So, goodbye and good luck with whatever comes in your future. I don't expect a reply since I know you're not the sappy type, and let me know if you want me to delete this from your profile. I understand if it's too personal to want public, but sending a discord friend request for one message seemed silly. (Also thanks for introducing me to Satanicpornocultshop and Panchiko. Even though I didn't appreciate the latter at the time, those are still some of my favorites to this day. Funny enough, I'm wearing a D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L shirt while writing this.)
bruh I legitimately thought you had sent this comment to the wrong person lmao, it's been like 2 years
Microsoft buying Discord likely would have been a bad devlopment; I'm all for reducing their monopoly position.
Well I don't know about how alone you are globally with that statement, but I have made this observation as well, that MAPPA had taken over various sequels from other studios. But the thing is....I don't really care, because their greatest hits are mostly battle-shounens, a genre that I've become particularly evasive of in the last few years. My controversial take on this matter is that I did not like Chainsaw Man; it was just like a typical shounen with annoying characters that got the visual love that I'd rather have seen go to a different show from a different genre. Same for JJK, especially after watching CSM, I'm expecting it to be of a similar caliber but twice as long lol. As for AoT, I do want to try that some time, but that time hasn't arrived yet.
Tbh, the only batte-shounen I've enjoyed in recent years was Demon Slayer but that's purely because it's an audiovisual spectacle that allowed me to forget the annoying shounen character tropes even Demon Slayer isn't free of.
Have you been busy with life, or did you just have an anime burnout? I'm doing alright, nothing much to report lol.
I mean, sounds like the life cycle of any anime fan; sooner or later they forget about anime and starting reading manga lmao. I get the notion of anime getting boring though, there's so much of it nowadays and 90% of it is a generic, mediocre rehash of stuff we've already seen. Although I would argue I partially feel that way because I didn't watch the majority of actually good shows that came out in the past 2 years lol.
Ye..but it was split huge movie into two separate parts called as Special episodes when it was decided to be split due to production issues and decisions.
Well,I think it was just getting used to it which was easy since S4 started with different perspective of different land and its people so maybe WIT artstyle would look too family friendly with how Mikasa or whoever else looked by their style like good shoujo protagonist we still kind was in a way till the end xD
Obviously time is something you can't afford with budget these days and it's supposed to be like that when you are in the projcets for passion.But ye..I was aware of that fact with Levi vs Kenny Squad.
Obviously both are popular not only for their manga and legacy but also due to the timeslot they're put..kinda similar to Hero Academia or what else was in these key weekend timeslots.One Piece had two-weeks off due to some other stuff airing in its place I believe but still that doesn't change the fact that the series is the most forgiven one when it comes to its consistency of script writting for given episodes or production time/values of some of them as well.Won't talk about the pacing really since that's been issue for ages but in Conan I prefer it more just because they actually use fillers so you can enjoy that anime as your average Sitcom since you know nothing will change the fate of any characters there.
Well,the Dino stuff was short LN stuff and it got parallel manga adaptation going at the same time as well and there you can see how even anime version of it looks rushed compared to the manga adaptation of LN xD Naruto fillers were something that no matter what we enjoyed back then since plenty of animes had anime original ending as well in that decade.But the fillers in Shippuuden used in the last war saga and what it spawned after with Kaguya and stuff was just the series being on life support waiting for it end its life despite its brave efforts.Filler stuff in Shipuuden until Pain Arc was actually not that bad since it wasn't mostly random throwback flashback mini arcs or episodic stuff but actual bigger arc that gave you foreshadowing to certain arc that soon followed (Asuma and where the group he belonged in,The filler group that was after 3-tails etc.).
Well,thankfuly the amount of longrunning animes or series attempting that one is zero unless you count One Piece which throws anime original moments here and there since BORUTO is ending for now less than 2 weeks.
hey hav u checked out the new tc series called last of us which was adapted from a game, it has a cool intrumental opening that i really like xD i never skip it when i watch the last of us :> https://youtu.be/8SWhBsbxmpk
I finish Horiyama I felt like for this show to work it needs to have like 50+ episodes instead of 12 episodes it felt super rush. The pacing is like so fast I felt I missed a lot in the show even I pay attention every second of it. Would love to make a review about it felt like it was so uninteresting I think before writing on anime I have strong feelings with. Sure it's romance anime but I am just not a fan ultra-fast pacing of sudden improvement of relationship like that's not how the relationship works. Having a close friend took 3 to 6 months to be established based on my experience. And I am not even getting that feeling on 12th episode series.
All Comments (1917) Comments
And By the Way, I have made a new anime review that took me almost 1 year and 3 months to actually do it.
Interested to Read It?
Microsoft buying Discord likely would have been a bad devlopment; I'm all for reducing their monopoly position.
Well I don't know about how alone you are globally with that statement, but I have made this observation as well, that MAPPA had taken over various sequels from other studios. But the thing is....I don't really care, because their greatest hits are mostly battle-shounens, a genre that I've become particularly evasive of in the last few years. My controversial take on this matter is that I did not like Chainsaw Man; it was just like a typical shounen with annoying characters that got the visual love that I'd rather have seen go to a different show from a different genre. Same for JJK, especially after watching CSM, I'm expecting it to be of a similar caliber but twice as long lol. As for AoT, I do want to try that some time, but that time hasn't arrived yet.
Tbh, the only batte-shounen I've enjoyed in recent years was Demon Slayer but that's purely because it's an audiovisual spectacle that allowed me to forget the annoying shounen character tropes even Demon Slayer isn't free of.
Have you been busy with life, or did you just have an anime burnout? I'm doing alright, nothing much to report lol.
I mean, sounds like the life cycle of any anime fan; sooner or later they forget about anime and starting reading manga lmao. I get the notion of anime getting boring though, there's so much of it nowadays and 90% of it is a generic, mediocre rehash of stuff we've already seen. Although I would argue I partially feel that way because I didn't watch the majority of actually good shows that came out in the past 2 years lol.
i just finished the series and holy shit, the last few eps were nothing short of incredible
Well,I think it was just getting used to it which was easy since S4 started with different perspective of different land and its people so maybe WIT artstyle would look too family friendly with how Mikasa or whoever else looked by their style like good shoujo protagonist we still kind was in a way till the end xD
Obviously time is something you can't afford with budget these days and it's supposed to be like that when you are in the projcets for passion.But ye..I was aware of that fact with Levi vs Kenny Squad.
Obviously both are popular not only for their manga and legacy but also due to the timeslot they're put..kinda similar to Hero Academia or what else was in these key weekend timeslots.One Piece had two-weeks off due to some other stuff airing in its place I believe but still that doesn't change the fact that the series is the most forgiven one when it comes to its consistency of script writting for given episodes or production time/values of some of them as well.Won't talk about the pacing really since that's been issue for ages but in Conan I prefer it more just because they actually use fillers so you can enjoy that anime as your average Sitcom since you know nothing will change the fate of any characters there.
Well,the Dino stuff was short LN stuff and it got parallel manga adaptation going at the same time as well and there you can see how even anime version of it looks rushed compared to the manga adaptation of LN xD Naruto fillers were something that no matter what we enjoyed back then since plenty of animes had anime original ending as well in that decade.But the fillers in Shippuuden used in the last war saga and what it spawned after with Kaguya and stuff was just the series being on life support waiting for it end its life despite its brave efforts.Filler stuff in Shipuuden until Pain Arc was actually not that bad since it wasn't mostly random throwback flashback mini arcs or episodic stuff but actual bigger arc that gave you foreshadowing to certain arc that soon followed (Asuma and where the group he belonged in,The filler group that was after 3-tails etc.).
Well,thankfuly the amount of longrunning animes or series attempting that one is zero unless you count One Piece which throws anime original moments here and there since BORUTO is ending for now less than 2 weeks.