Uh, I just want to tell you something about using translating Japanese sites with your recent topic. Always, google cannot translate an image. And most of the times, to actually get to the Character section on a Japanese or any other site, the link is a picture. To find that character section, simply just hover over the links, and look at the URL. Usually, the URL will actually include /characters, or just "c", that's usually an indication for the Character section.
So uh, that's my long comment on this, cause I'm part bored and part wanting to help people at the moment, rofl.
seems so ;D
b-day mate XD
I shouldnt have a problem ? I guess I should try photoshop ^^
sure,yea sry about the expensive stuff there T__T
emm doing psychometric exam,doing course in math and pyshics and then apply for university ,and when I will be finished,army,work and bah XD
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So uh, that's my long comment on this, cause I'm part bored and part wanting to help people at the moment, rofl.
Tikshoret is the subject I learned at school,now I want to start new one ;p
everything we have in our mahon tehnology H.I.T
I done Tikshoret in school XD
oh @__@ so thats the reason,I hope u will do well there then >_<
I havent done electronika in my school lol,havent tried yet XD
thanks o_o,good luck in singalovsky !
lol few days ago ?
yea I know,even I dont buy from there XD
חשמל ואלקטרוניקה
thanks,6 more days XD
I see,waster ;p
a lot of good luck then ^_^
oh what school ?
b-day mate XD
I shouldnt have a problem ? I guess I should try photoshop ^^
sure,yea sry about the expensive stuff there T__T
emm doing psychometric exam,doing course in math and pyshics and then apply for university ,and when I will be finished,army,work and bah XD
what about u ? what are u doing for a while ;] ?
woo,I upgraded my for my b-day too XD]
okay then ;p
go to my moms shop if u can XD
you do ? well good luck in finding a good ones ;p
and thanks ^^
Nope I didnt ,and u ?
from what time ?
"Nalei Moran if u know it,its on the third floor,near the exit ;p
I know >_<
my mom working at bat yam mall
and the price of the apartments is cheaper >.>