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Days: 252.6
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  • Total Entries1,147
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  • Episodes15,255
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Senpai wa Otokonoko
Senpai wa Otokonoko
Dec 13, 2024 3:42 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
Dec 8, 2024 8:52 AM
Completed 10/10 · Scored -
Wonder Egg Priority
Wonder Egg Priority
Oct 27, 2024 12:48 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 96.3
Mean Score: 7.20
  • Total Entries463
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Jun 23, 2023 11:46 AM
Plan to Read · Scored -
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet
Oct 30, 2021 4:30 AM
Completed 85/85 · Scored 7
Yagiza no Yuujin
Yagiza no Yuujin
Oct 18, 2021 11:37 AM
Completed 7/7 · Scored 8

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Kurt_Irving Nov 27, 2023 8:40 PM
Hello miss! So what do you love most about Darker Than Black? My big Virgo friend friend loves that anime. Yes, she's a tomboy also.

Awesome favorites by the way milady.

lelousempai Jan 6, 2021 2:12 PM
nice assuka ✌(◔౪◔ )✌
Moonspeak May 8, 2020 4:33 AM
Salut Menori, ça va ?

Je viens d'un club francophone, ça te dirait de nous rejoindre ?

On a des petits jeux sur le forum, des tournois anime et manga, des simulwatchs, un serveur Minecraft et plein d'autres activités :)

Hésite pas à faire un tour !

Sur ce, j'arrête de t'embêter ^^
Danae Oct 16, 2018 10:00 AM
I can't remember if Mamura was cute tbh, iirc I found his character pretty bland and stereotypical. But then again I was pissed with the whole triangle thing so I might have been *too* biased towards Shishio lol. Have you been reading Tsubaki chou Lonely Planet? It's a story of the same author with a very similar premise. The characters are quite different, but the story is still interesting and I really like it so far <3

Wow are you seriously re-reading the manga to compare with the anime episodes? This requires a lot of strength, especially considering the episodes from now on will be painful :O I love Blanca so I'm pretty hyped to see him on screen!
Ugh MAPPA murdered me with the new OP and ED. They are so sad and the lyrics are just adding insult to injury :( anyway based on how both new songs are focused on Ash and Eiji I have some more confidence in MAPPA not cutting Ash and Eiji moments tbh, so I hope the upcoming episodes won't let us down.
Danae Oct 5, 2018 7:45 AM
*looks at your favorites* well damn you have great taste as well! Seriously, you got HxH, Banana Fish, Pandora, and you even prefer Shishio in Hirunaka no Ryuusei, and have Griffith in your fav characters as well! Our tastes are really similar huh :O

Right??! This thought keeps me up at night, I mean if they absolutely had to cram everything into a 2-cour, then why not 25 or 26 episodes? I realize the budget is an issue as well, but come on MAPPA is already swimming in money considering bnha and yuri on ice. I can't remember exactly on which volume we currently are in the anime, but it mustn't be any more than vol. 10 at best, right? That means they have at least 9 volumes to adapt, and this stresses me out. I don't want them to leave out anything from the next few arcs because now things will start getting real :/ Maybe I'm grasping at straws here but I hope Garden of Light will be an additional OVA, separate from the 24 eps.

MusashiRose Sep 16, 2018 4:40 PM
Dude! I love your Banana Fish sig! <3
Kilmeny Sep 1, 2018 11:15 AM
Je me reconnecte à mon profil pour la première fois après presque un an, haha. Merci pour la petite pensée ! Je vais bientôt commencer l'anime, hâte de voir ce que ça donne :)
Mikadoh Aug 2, 2018 12:27 PM
Je prends note! Y a combien d'épisodes pour le moment? J'suis entrain de rattraper les Shokugeki no Soma là haha.
Mikadoh Jul 31, 2018 2:51 PM
Mon dieu je viens de voir ton poste qui date du 23 mai... et vu que j'avais perdu l'accès à mon mal... MDRR Mais on sait jamais si tu as pas vu encore ou que l'avis t'intéresse toujours...

Du coup pour Kora wa Sajou ni Utau... Hmm, le visuel était sympa, ça change un peu du style habituel..
Mais l'histoire.. honnêtement je m'attendais à un bon truc. Le soucis c'est que déjà y a le fameux "la ville est divisée en deux types de personnes" donc ce qui allait se passer était vraiment prévisible. Je pensais qu'il y aurait un espèce de sens caché peut être derrière cette mise en scène mais j'ai pas réussi à rentrer dedans et le trouver. J'ai tout simplement rien ressenti durant cet anime et je dirais même que j'ai eu du mal à finir :'( ..
zawa113 Apr 14, 2018 5:29 AM
Hmm, I'm honestly not big on Ghibli, and rest his soul, but I didn't much care for other Isao Takahata things I've seen over the years either.

I seem to be one of the few Banana Fish fans who has known about Banana Fish for a long time, I've known about the series for well over ten years now. It's been years since I've re-read it though (I've probably read it through 4 times or so), but with the new anime, the decision suddenly became "do I re-read it and love it all over again, or would that possibly taint my enjoyment of the new series when it's inevitably different (taking place in 80s vs 10s)?" so I'm opting to not re-read it at this point.

But there are so many amazing 80s and 90s manga out there that have been forgotten to the sands of time. There's plenty of great stuff coming out today too though, asking me to pick an era would be impossible (also, the 80s had this tendency to try to rip off Blade Runner constantly and have this "anime" look to it that really doesn't work as well drawn, so there were certainly a lot of overblown things that got poplar that way). But I do feel like there was a big gap of time there where we weren't getting any scifi or fantasy epics that I so love. Stuff like Please Save My Earth or Basara, bit 90s titles. And nowadays, US companies seem afraid to touch them. I'm just hoping Banana Fish gets reprinted, because I'll buy it all over again, just to show support.
zawa113 Apr 13, 2018 3:28 PM
I have so enjoyed seeing all these Banana Fish fans come out of who knows where since the anime has been announced. My Twitter feed is just filled to the brim with tons of Banana Fish fan art that I thought could never happen in a million years!
I do like my weird and classic shojo titles though (I love it when scifi and shojo intersect especially)
Angelkappa Mar 11, 2018 9:13 AM
Salut ça va bien ??? C'est vrai que ça fait un bon moment qu'on ne s'est pas parlé ^^;

Pour mes animes préférés de cette saison, il y en a pas mal. Si tu aimes les séries mignonnes, reposantes et avec une pointe d'humour je pense que Miira no kaikata et Gakuen Babysitters te conviendrais. En tout cas c'est mes séries que je prends plus de plaisir cette saison, avec Dame Prince parce que j'adore l'humour et les gars sont excellents x) Mea est mon chouchou lol trop pure pour ce monde.
J'aime bien aussi Hakata Tonkotsu ramens il y a un petit côté durarara et baccano je trouve et puis Lin et Banba font un excellent duo :o
Et il y a également Idolish7 et Sanrio Danshi qui sont pas mal ^^

Par contre osomatsu-san je la trouve moins bonne que la saison 1 et j'arrive pas à rentrer dedans comme la première. La hype est mort et il y a beaucoup mieux à côté, mais je vais regarder jusqu'au bout!

Sora yori tooi basho est la bonne surprise de cette saison ! Je m'attendais à un bête slice of life moe comme on en voit souvent, mais c'est un vrai récit d'aventure et on s'ennuie pas. Les personnages sont cools aussi XD

Voilà j'espère que j'ai pu t'aider à faire un choix ^^ Avec la saison prochaine ça va être la folie d'être à jour XD
BlackTeaLady Feb 25, 2018 1:02 PM
Je te le recommande vivement o/
BlackTeaLady Feb 25, 2018 10:47 AM
Salut !
Il vient d'un jeu qui s'appelle OFF.
Ce sont des fanarts sur mon profil donc il n'a pas la même allure dans le jeu.
Mikyhoro Feb 6, 2018 8:13 AM
nan je repondais 4 ans apres a ton premier mess xD
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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