I know! I keep dropping all the good anime! (。•́︿•̀。) I'll watch them tho! some day!! I really hope! I really want to watch them!
I've only watched some episodes of Lain, it was some years ago but I think it was nice, I'm not sure what it was ALL about because, well, only a few episodes but I absolutely LOVE the opening theme
Don't worry, no spoilers here... unless you read the comments (。ꏿ﹏ꏿ) such a nice song ahhhhhhh....
Yeah, the animangathon is really nice, you watch anime you probably wouldn't have watched otherwise, really useful hahaha, too bad I didn't join this time (・~・`)
Yeah, it's a weird thought but this is something that actually worries me a lot hahahaha.
yup! I love some really weird and bad anime because to me, as an individual, they're something invaluable I don't care about the score they receive or what people think about them, I like it and that's it. Anime that make me think this way are probably my favorite hahaha.
Sorry for your loss, I've never been good with words but from the bottom of my heart I hope you enjoy playing the game, I hope you gather the strength to play it until the end and I hope you are happy to have played it. Whether you end up loving the game or not, I'm sure your friend would have been happy knowing you played it, that's it.
hahaha, I've been watching anime for a long time now, it's a big part of my life. It's like my life long hobby or something hahaha.
You're probably going to like Nodame a lot! and Zankyou will break your heart... possibly hahaha (•̀ㅂ•́๑)
Oh, don't worry! take all the time you need to reply! ( •̀ω•̀)
I actually started watching Nichijou but I somehow dropped it, not because it was boring but because I always forgot to watch it and then I was just too lazy to pick it up again, was it good? some times I feel like I should watch it, give it another chance (´・Å・人)
Hotaru No Haka is indeed a great movie but I wouldn't say it's the best Ghibli film ever created, I like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away way better but I really understand what you're trying to say, every time I think I would like a movie/show I just save it til last, thinking "I'm sure I'm going to love this so I'm gonna save it until I'm 'ready' to watch such awesomeness" this may sound weird, but sometimes the time to watch that movie never comes. You could say I become afraid of watching it because "right now" I'm not ready, "right now" is not good enough. The time is never good enough.
There's another thing that stops me from watching something: What if I'm just getting my hopes up? thinking this movie/anime is going to be great but once I watch it I end up not liking it that much. Wouldn't it be better to never watch it and keep thinking "it must be great" than actually watching it and maybe being disappointed? this is really weird and it's the first time I put this into words, but this is what happens to me a lot of the time, I want to watch Natsume Yuujinchou, I'm sure I'm going to love it but... what if I actually dislike it? I'm afraid of hating something I think I'll like. I really want to watch Bakemono No Ko because someone really special to me loved this movie, but what if I don't feel the same way about it? I want to love it but what if I don't? This is really weird, sorry if it freaks you out hahaha (゚ロ゚ノ)ノ
I want to read the Aku No Hana manga too but I'm just waiting to see if we sometime get a second season, it would be awesome. I'll wait until 2018, if by then we still don't have a second season then I'll actually read the manga hahahaha, the most I've waited for a second season is 9 years so 5 years are probably not that long of a wait... right? (゚Д゚ )
Zankyou is REALLY good, it has a great plot, OST, OP/ED, it has some really smart stuff too, characters you can actually believe are human, and a GREAT ending. My favorite episode is probably ep 9, I think it was then when I realized just how much I was in love with this anime.
Hachimitsu is really cute!! If you like Hachimitsu then maybe you'll like Nodame Cantabile, the art style is kinda similar, it's really really funny too.
I'll be sure to check Texhnolyze then, thank you! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
So basically we could say the Usagi Drop manga is a masterpiece for making me question my own morals and way of thinking? The fact that I'm rejecting such a relationship between an adult and a child makes my way of thinking "not open enough" meaning the author is writing about the discrimination a group of people (child/adult relationship-ers) suffer, making me the bad one for not accepting their ways and judging such things? Looking at it this way, this certainly could be a masterpiece hahahaha (^J^)
What I probably like the best about Arakawa are all the COLORS they use in the animation, the OPs/EDs, the OST, Nino, the comedy, the aliens, the goofiness.... basically everything hahaha. It's too sad people don't give this anime a chance because "it looks weird and it's not popular so I would have no one to talk about it with"(゚ ペ )
I LOVE ANIME THAT LEAVE YOU FEELING EMPTY!!!! AAAAA!! ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ I'm gonna definitely give them a chance some day again. My best examples of leaving you feeling empty anime/manga are: 91 Days (last season's anime), Aku No Hana, Sennen Joyuu (movie), Death Parade, Hotaru No Haka, Karekano (the manga gets pretty heavy but gets a good ending so it made me feel empty but the ed made it better), HAL (movie), Zankyou No Terror, NHK Ni Youkoso! (the LN is pretty good too), Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (next season comming next year!!!) and probably some other I can't remember right now.
I think Hachimitsu To Clover was a 100% loyal adaptation (not sure) so if you read the manga you watched the anime too and if you watched the anime you read the manga hahahaha. Yup, HTC was really really good, the art style, the characters were really "human", THE OST, THE OPs/EDs (I love them so much), the plot was really interesting and the pace was good too, and I never saw that ending coming.... (・□・ ) it wasn't bad, just surprising.
Friends High Five!!!
Yup! You said I shouldn't read the manga because I would cry. I've never read the manga but after I finished the anime I read a comment saying 'if you like the anime please don't read the manga' so I got curious and googled the manga and yeah, saw some images... regret it every time I remember them now. I don't know why someone would create something like... that.... (;゜д゜) you create an adorable relationship of trust and love between a child and an adult where they depend on each other, like father and kid and then... that... couldn't stop thinking about it for a while after the shock hahaha
Nice anime list! I see you gave Mushishi a 10 and Arakawa under the Bridge a 10 too, let me give you a hug! (づ╹▿╹)づ〜 they are some of my favorite anime.
You've seen some anime I've always wanted to watch! I watched the first episodes of Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei but I put them on hold, should probably pick them up and watch them!
Hey... now that I take a closer look, we share a lot of anime, wow... (゚∀゚ )
ayyy sorry for the extremely late reply. I've seen some screenshots of the Usagi Drop Manga and nope, they don't stop the tears, they just make me cry even more hahahaha..... (。•́︿•̀。) RIP Koro.
ALSO! I see you were the one who recommended Ergo Proxy to me! Thank you very much!!! I really liked it!! it must have been difficult finding something that had all I asked for...
Firstly, I appreciate that PTW is preferred as my life is hectic at the moment and that makes this easy. Based on what I've seen and the semblance of your interests to my own, the strongest recommendation I have for you is Kaichou wa Maid-sama! I think it has a good mixture of cute and badass, as well as other things.
Beyond that I have two additional notes for you based on your PTW.. Durarara!! has been one of my favorite things ever, but telling you to finish it will exceed your limit, so at least plan on it, haha. Also, if you're waiting to watch in one go that's understandable but do be sure to keep Re:Zero in mind. I assure you the hype is there for a reason
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
This one I can reomend if you like acurate historical anime. For a relaxing time
Himouto Umaru Chan Basically a comedy of an Otaku gorl. Lots of comedy.
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
Hello everyone!! How is the Summer going? ^^
We are glad to announce the opening of sign-ups for the joint Magi Summer Event of a collaboration between Mafia Society and 20+ !
And as you can guess, we want to invite you all to join us! Magi Summer Event will start on the 1st of July and will end on the 31st of the same month.
This is the 2nd Summer Event for Mafia Society and the 1st for 20+! The Magi Summer Event will take place in a seperate club for all participants and we will be invited to a Skype group and Discord's room during the duration of the Event. There you will be able both to participate in Event's games and chat with others :)
What are we going to do?
We are going to have such events: Town of Salem
Anime Watch Challenge
Pokemon Showdown
Truth or Dare
The Resistance Online
Cards Against Humanity
Magi Mafia
Vocaloid Mafia
Simultaneous Watch
Each of you will belong to one of the teams and by participating in events you will be able to collect points for yourself and your team! Enjoy games, gain points and change them to prizes in the Prize Shop!
In adition we will have a special Magi Characters Card Edition! And more! Everyone will get their team badges to keep memories of this up-coming Magi Summer Event!
Since you said you liked Psychological and Fantasy, I'd recommend Gakkougurashi!
Personally, I loved the show. I watched it as it was airing, and it was one that I looked forward to every week.
I'm not sure if you have already or not, but DO NOT read the synopsis. It spoils a major part of the story -.-
But yeah, it's a Horror/Mystery/Psychological show so I think that you will enjoy it.
It's also on your PTW, so all the more reason to go ahead and get that one knocked out ^-^
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
All Comments (13) Comments
I've only watched some episodes of Lain, it was some years ago but I think it was nice, I'm not sure what it was ALL about because, well, only a few episodes but I absolutely LOVE the opening theme
Don't worry, no spoilers here... unless you read the comments (。ꏿ﹏ꏿ) such a nice song ahhhhhhh....
Yeah, the animangathon is really nice, you watch anime you probably wouldn't have watched otherwise, really useful hahaha, too bad I didn't join this time (・~・`)
Yeah, it's a weird thought but this is something that actually worries me a lot hahahaha.
yup! I love some really weird and bad anime because to me, as an individual, they're something invaluable I don't care about the score they receive or what people think about them, I like it and that's it. Anime that make me think this way are probably my favorite hahaha.
Sorry for your loss, I've never been good with words but from the bottom of my heart I hope you enjoy playing the game, I hope you gather the strength to play it until the end and I hope you are happy to have played it. Whether you end up loving the game or not, I'm sure your friend would have been happy knowing you played it, that's it.
hahaha, I've been watching anime for a long time now, it's a big part of my life. It's like my life long hobby or something hahaha.
You're probably going to like Nodame a lot! and Zankyou will break your heart... possibly hahaha (•̀ㅂ•́๑)
I actually started watching Nichijou but I somehow dropped it, not because it was boring but because I always forgot to watch it and then I was just too lazy to pick it up again, was it good? some times I feel like I should watch it, give it another chance (´・Å・人)
Hotaru No Haka is indeed a great movie but I wouldn't say it's the best Ghibli film ever created, I like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away way better but I really understand what you're trying to say, every time I think I would like a movie/show I just save it til last, thinking "I'm sure I'm going to love this so I'm gonna save it until I'm 'ready' to watch such awesomeness" this may sound weird, but sometimes the time to watch that movie never comes. You could say I become afraid of watching it because "right now" I'm not ready, "right now" is not good enough. The time is never good enough.
There's another thing that stops me from watching something: What if I'm just getting my hopes up? thinking this movie/anime is going to be great but once I watch it I end up not liking it that much. Wouldn't it be better to never watch it and keep thinking "it must be great" than actually watching it and maybe being disappointed? this is really weird and it's the first time I put this into words, but this is what happens to me a lot of the time, I want to watch Natsume Yuujinchou, I'm sure I'm going to love it but... what if I actually dislike it? I'm afraid of hating something I think I'll like. I really want to watch Bakemono No Ko because someone really special to me loved this movie, but what if I don't feel the same way about it? I want to love it but what if I don't? This is really weird, sorry if it freaks you out hahaha (゚ロ゚ノ)ノ
I want to read the Aku No Hana manga too but I'm just waiting to see if we sometime get a second season, it would be awesome. I'll wait until 2018, if by then we still don't have a second season then I'll actually read the manga hahahaha, the most I've waited for a second season is 9 years so 5 years are probably not that long of a wait... right? (゚Д゚ )
Zankyou is REALLY good, it has a great plot, OST, OP/ED, it has some really smart stuff too, characters you can actually believe are human, and a GREAT ending. My favorite episode is probably ep 9, I think it was then when I realized just how much I was in love with this anime.
Hachimitsu is really cute!! If you like Hachimitsu then maybe you'll like Nodame Cantabile, the art style is kinda similar, it's really really funny too.
I'll be sure to check Texhnolyze then, thank you! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
What I probably like the best about Arakawa are all the COLORS they use in the animation, the OPs/EDs, the OST, Nino, the comedy, the aliens, the goofiness.... basically everything hahaha. It's too sad people don't give this anime a chance because "it looks weird and it's not popular so I would have no one to talk about it with"(゚ ペ )
I LOVE ANIME THAT LEAVE YOU FEELING EMPTY!!!! AAAAA!! ヾ(。ꏿ﹏ꏿ)ノ I'm gonna definitely give them a chance some day again. My best examples of leaving you feeling empty anime/manga are: 91 Days (last season's anime), Aku No Hana, Sennen Joyuu (movie), Death Parade, Hotaru No Haka, Karekano (the manga gets pretty heavy but gets a good ending so it made me feel empty but the ed made it better), HAL (movie), Zankyou No Terror, NHK Ni Youkoso! (the LN is pretty good too), Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu (next season comming next year!!!) and probably some other I can't remember right now.
I think Hachimitsu To Clover was a 100% loyal adaptation (not sure) so if you read the manga you watched the anime too and if you watched the anime you read the manga hahahaha. Yup, HTC was really really good, the art style, the characters were really "human", THE OST, THE OPs/EDs (I love them so much), the plot was really interesting and the pace was good too, and I never saw that ending coming.... (・□・ ) it wasn't bad, just surprising.
Friends High Five!!!
Nice anime list! I see you gave Mushishi a 10 and Arakawa under the Bridge a 10 too, let me give you a hug! (づ╹▿╹)づ〜 they are some of my favorite anime.
You've seen some anime I've always wanted to watch! I watched the first episodes of Texhnolyze and Haibane Renmei but I put them on hold, should probably pick them up and watch them!
Hey... now that I take a closer look, we share a lot of anime, wow... (゚∀゚ )
Thank you, my friendo, pal, mate, partner ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
ALSO! I see you were the one who recommended Ergo Proxy to me! Thank you very much!!! I really liked it!! it must have been difficult finding something that had all I asked for...
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
Your anime recommendation has arrived
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"
Your Anime recommendation has arrived
"Feel free to share your thoughts with everyone in the thread"