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Dec 31, 2024 6:45 AM
Completed 13/13 · Scored 7
R.O.D: Read or Die
R.O.D: Read or Die
Nov 22, 2024 3:24 PM
Completed 3/3 · Scored 7
Tokyo Marble Chocolate
Tokyo Marble Chocolate
Dec 25, 2023 2:45 AM
Completed 2/2 · Scored 8
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Days: 13.5
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Mar 10, 2022 8:08 AM
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Mar 10, 2022 8:05 AM
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Hanzou no Mon
Hanzou no Mon
Mar 7, 2022 1:56 AM
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BigLadSeko Jan 22, 2023 3:29 PM
White11 Sep 17, 2020 4:29 AM
You’re Welcome
Uvijek sam za upoznavanje novih ljudi koji gledaju anime :D i za anime diskusije :)
Andrnya Aug 21, 2018 11:10 AM
Izlazi Digimon Survive (slicno ko visual noveli i tvoji odabiri u igri imaju utjecaj) i doci ce novi filmovi koji se dogadaju nakon tri-a
Andrnya Aug 20, 2018 5:02 PM
A evo ja sam ok, nema nista novo ni u stvarnom ni u vizualnom, osim ako nisi vidio da dolaze nova digimon igra i sequel tri-u.
Andrnya Aug 19, 2018 3:32 PM
jesi ti ziv meikce
L1quid666 Jul 12, 2018 10:32 AM
Nepratim ni ja nogomet,ali ovo je povjesni događaj
L1quid666 Jul 11, 2018 2:13 PM
SailorVeki May 11, 2018 4:03 PM
Ne sjećam se kraja od Juuni Kokukija, ali znam da nisu sve romane stavili u anime, a nisu ni romani dovršeni, tj. nema kraja, tak da je valjda zato zbunjujuće.

Ghost Hunt = <3 Kraj je bzvz jer se ne otkrije niš o Naruu, zakaj je tak misteriozan, zakaj se oblači u crno, kakve sve moći ima itd. Pročitaj mangu, brijem da zadnja 3 volumea fale u animeu (10, 11, 12). Del Rey nije nikad izdao zadnji volume. T__T Imam ih svih 11 i onda zadnji na japanskom.
YaoiMaster Apr 9, 2018 12:31 PM
What is so wrong with cursing on that site? Some guy on here threatened to doxx someone, so she left the website and came back under a new username. I wonder if he was serious. That sounds strict. I got banned for cursing on one website.

I post in most places out of boredom. But I normally don't reply out of boredom. It's just a hobby, I guess. Sometimes, however, I feel compelled to respond to someone. When that happens, I just don't reply, because I don't want to force myself. This often happens when I talk to extroverted people. They do not understand me in the slightest, and do not share my views on things. This makes me lose interest in them.
I don't care how people use this site, as long as they aren't bothering me directly.

I see. Do you often go to your grandparents' house? I'm glad you didn't witness it. What is a shrink? No one offline says anything that makes me think. But I find it hard to answer the "why" questions people ask me. "Why do you like this?" "Why do you say that?" "Why do you think that?" My mind goes dead when someone asks me to explain why I feel a certain way about them. For instance, this boy often asks me why I admire him. But I don't know how to answer such questions. I'm sure there is in fact a simple answer, but my brain fries and I can't respond properly. I find it hard to explain why I perceive something a certain way. My parents are alive, but I wish they'd die.

People always say mania "sounds like them," until they read more about it. Then they tell me they're sorry for ever stating that. It's hard to grasp it until you see it. I don't hallucinate while on my medicine. Well, I should say I don't get visual hallucinations. But I do hear voices throughout the day, especially when I am having a low episode. When I'm not on medicine, I hallucinate all the time, and become very delusional and paranoid.

I don't think having a goal is boring. But some people want something so badly, then when they get it, the thrill is gone. The thrill exists mostly in wanting something. Without a goal, there is no ambition. Ambition and passion are very important to me.
But if you achieve the goal and get what you want, you can always make a new one. I think I know what you mean.
It's important to try to attain something. But even when you get it, you should attain for something more. That way the part of you that desires something is satiated, while you are still unsatisfied because you want something else. It is dissatisfaction with things which leads to creation.

Well, there are many factors that go into a job. The payment, the enjoyment, the people you work with, the amount of hours. If one of those things isn't sufficient, of course the job won't be perfect. But perfection is not objective. Maybe someone loves their job so much that they call it perfect. Maybe to you, it isn't perfect, but that individual would refuse to believe otherwise. I'm not sure if I should be a criminal psychologist or a clinical psychologist. Both would be enjoyable, but perhaps criminal more so. I don't live with all my siblings. I would say I get along. I don't talk to them, so I don't know.
YaoiMaster Apr 9, 2018 12:09 PM
I wish that happened to me. When there is work to do, it always overwhelms me.
I stopped getting as much work, but now it's all starting over again.
So far I'm indifferent to this day.
Biohazard_Waste Apr 9, 2018 10:53 AM
Ej, hvala. Dobro opažanje :)
Yup Apr 8, 2018 11:24 PM
YaoiMaster Apr 8, 2018 9:01 PM
Hm. Well, I will reply when I get the time, don't worry.
Is it stressful? That takes skills!
Oh, I'll reply to the long message pretty soon. It's not been a good day for me, I wonder if tomorrow will be better.
I am going to sleep, so goodnight from me, as well.
YaoiMaster Apr 8, 2018 1:09 PM
No, no, I really do apologize, it's been very long. I just have a very bad perception of time. I'll reply to it very soon.
Busy with what?
YaoiMaster Apr 8, 2018 9:02 AM
Oh, I apologize for not replying! I even had it bookmarked. I'm not sure at the moment, but thanks for asking. And you?
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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