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Hibike! Euphonium: Kitauji Koukou Suisougaku-bu e Youkoso
Oct 22, 2019 6:40 PM
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All Comments (213) Comments
I remember you made a new account but I forgot the name, it was quite simple tho teehee haha
Yeah, I'm enjoying Zero No Tsukaima for now, the animation is old and the story it's a little basic but I like how relaxing and entertaining it is.
How's it been? > as you can see I became Forum moderator ^^
What about you, how is your music career going hehe
Recently I haven't been watching a whole bunch. I finally finished Hunter x Hunter and that took me the longest because there was this one arch I found boring and I got stuck there. Then my boyfriend said he wanted to watch it and we watched up to that boring point and I called it quits (we don't watch things that we started together without each other, so since I stopped we both sorta had to stop) anyways, he kept brining up the fact that we didn't finish it and we got past that point and we binge watched it for weeks.
Gabriel Dropout was lighthearted and cute, I thought it was funny. Did it become on of your favorites or do you just think highly of it.
Btw what games were you playing?
I always need to switch up my profile pictures. I cant keep it the same for too long or it irritates me; honestly I was gonna change it again pretty soon. I have a giant stash of em. I feel like I already slid you a link to it. But I'm always updating it when I find a new picture I like.
Welcome to my friends list.