Hello there! If you're interested, then please join us! It's not the greatest club there is, nor is it one of the most popular ones, but the people are friendly and nice, and we would like you to have fun with us! (o´ω`o)ノ
Long time no see! Well, seems like everyone had a pretty busy summer, me included *whistling*
But wake up, september is here... school starts again *tch* But since we dozed off a little, MCA is almost dead :o (like every other club on MAL atm). I'm sorry for the lack of cards lately... lots of card makers quit or gave up card making so it's been hard on us. But even if there are no cards, you can still visit the club and say a hello or a good morning. If you would like to be a card maker for MCA, please announce me~
We might not have as many editions as before, but drop by for a chance ~
Monday, on 16th september we'll celebrate Smaster's Birthday. (everyone knows Smaster, right?) Please be there with us!
Have a good day! If you don't want to get newsletter from MCA anymore, drop HinoKahoko (http://myanimelist.net/profile/HinoKahoko) a comment xD
Invite with you your friends and enter our Cafe! We present a place where you can relax, chat with others and maybe enjoy a cup of coffe or tea with others. We offer Games, Cards, Badges, Contests & many more! Come Join Us Now! :D
Or this?
Would you like to join us? :)
Heavenly Realm is where we angels live. We have games, contest, and MANY cards. From LEs to REs. Even SEs. So what are you waiting for? Don't be shy and Join us! Don't worry we don't bite.
Hello minna~ Your MCA monthly newsletter is here C:
Well, as you all know, we don't have a fixed schedule for editions since we are many card makers and dates change a lot and surprise editions come up so~ all I can say is that we'll have lotsssss of awesome editions like:
Pandora Hearts LE
Sea Creatures RE
White Hair RE
Ice Cream LE
Mecha SE
Abandoned Place SE
Night Sky LE
Pond LE
And of course, many other C:
We're recruiting staff!~ Please check our thread if you're interested in joining our staff C:
MCA asks all of you to invite your friends in our club! It's always always more fun together C: Whatever you do!
I want everyone to know that there is no greater delight for our staff other than seeing everyone chat or have fun in the club. So please, when you pass by our club, please leave us a message! A simple "Hello!" or other greeting is okay C: Recommend us some anime or videos~ Everyone is eager to talk about something.
If you don't want to get newsletter from MCA anymore, drop me a comment xD
Hello ^.^ Your monthly MCA newsletter is finally here!~
Okay, so! I'm pretty sure (99%) that no member knows that MCA is celebrating its one year anniversary on 19th May! Well, it's true. We are sooo happy about this, so we are gonna celebrate this event the whole month! We'll be full of surprises and events of all kinds~ I'm going to tell you the schedule of the events so that everyone can enjoy them. For now, I'll only tell you the events' names and the date they appear. The rules and descriptions will be found in their respective threads.
1) MCA Trivia Event - there will be one question about MCA and its staff per day - the ones who get it right will win a present - the time it opens and the time it will be open varies on the difficulty of the question. We will try to vary the time we open it so that everyone gets a chance
2) Admins' Faves - will consist of 3 editions, each of them open for 40 posts, in three consecutive days : 10th, 11th and 12th May.
3) MCA's Anniversary RE - It will open on 19th May and it will last 24 hours.
4) Admin Appreciation Week - It will last... a week, between 13th and 20th May. It will be a message box where you can leave the staff a message and appreciate our work.
Seems interesting, doesn't it? c: Well, it surely is! I really hope everyone who gets the message and not only can join us in this awesome month xD Thank you for your time! Have a good day~
If you don't want to get newsletter from MCA anymore, drop HinoKahoko a comment xD
Hello ^.^ Your monthly MCA newsletter is finally here!~
The first thing I want to tell you is that on 31st March, Sunday, MCA will hold an Easter Event. It's a surprise what it will be, but I can assure you that it's gonna be big, MCA style!~ xD
The event will be open 24 hours so make sure to come check it out C:
Sadame-tan's Birthday Party on Saturday, 23.03.2013!
hibaricloud's Birthday Party on Saturday, 19.04.2013!
Minna!~ Make sure to come and celebrate their birthday with us, 'kay? :D
We are finally 1400+!~ And yes, we'll soon open our 1400+ LE c:
Please invite your friends in our club C: Everything you do for us will be rewarded! xD
If you post our banner on your profile, in plain view, you'll be able to get more cards~
You can find our banners on the main page. If you don't want to get newsletter from MCA anymore, drop HinoKahoko a comment xD
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