Yeah, my Manga List contains all the manga I've ever read. It's completely empty. Why browse it? ^^
The way I rate my completed series on my Anime List:
1 - I can't believe I saw this through to the end
Could it possibly get any worse than this? It probably can, but truth to be told... what the hell were they thinking? Or smoking? To deserve this rating the anime must be genuinely bad, without any redeeming aspects such as good voice acting, nice animations or something that even resembles a decent story.
2 - Really bad
To deserve this rating the anime must have failed miserably on more than one level. There is, obviously, something that saves it from the lowest rating, but this is an anime that I could never recommend unless I know that I'm forwarding it to someone who really enjoys something very similar to this.
3 - Kinda bad
This production might have been on the right track and failed somewhere along the road, or it's simply not good enough to reach a higher rating than this. Some specific aspects of this show/movie might have been good, possibly even good enough to have saved it from an even lower rating, but the overall experience was disappointing.
4 - Fine
This anime is a decent watch and it might even have some strong points. The story itself is probably good enough to deserve this rating, but in some cases there might have been other aspects that managed to lift an otherwise "kinda bad" show to this level. This is an anime that I feel that I can recommend with a clear conscious, but only if I knew that the one on the receiving end of that recommendation is into this kind of show.
5 - Good!
This is way beyond decent. This is definitely a good show with several strong points and not enough weak points to warrant a lower rating. At this level the story has to be at least decent since shallow aspects, such as the quality of the animations, could never carry an anime telling a bad story high enough to earn a spot among the other titles in this category.
6 - Very good
This anime probably managed to speak to me in a certain way. No title could reach this rating without telling a good story, revolving around at least a few good characters. The anime also can't be very narrow since multitude is rather important to me. If it happens to be narrow, focusing heavily on something specific - thus neglecting certain themes such as love or drama, it has to do whatever it does exceedingly well.
7 - Great
One of very few shows to surpass the "very good" ones. To deserve this rating the anime can't be sporting all that many weak points, and the story has to be really good and well written. At this level the characters must be truly believable/likable and whatever the show does, it does really well. This rating is virtually unattainable without drama, and a pure action and/or comedy would have to be something really special in order to get this far.
8 - Amazing
This is a show that will always have a special place in my heart. This anime is good enough to make shows that I would usually call really good or even great come off as pale and unimportant in comparison. A great story and well portrayed characters are no longer enough. The great story has to be well directed, and the characters must also be backed up by really good voice actors. The soundtrack is most certainly way beyond average and even though the animations don't have to be something special, they probably are.
9 - Superb
The "superb" anime is everything the "amazing" one is and more. No production has ever lacked weak points, but in this case they're either extremely few or barely noticeable. Multitude is no longer an option and all the different aspects have to be implemented really well. No show could ever get anywhere near this rating without some serious drama. This drama as well as the story and the characters are top notch. Suffice to say, these shows are extremely rare.
10 - Masterpiece - Unparalleled (borderline perfect?)
Nothing can ever be truly perfect and not even this is really close of reaching a state of perfection. It has some (if not many) things that others clearly don't though, making it unparalleled. This is a story strong enough that it can't be turned off by simply shutting off the TV as it constantly pops up in my mind, no matter what I'm doing, and the characters are portrayed in a way that makes me care for them as if they were actual people. A work of art, speaking to me in a way that only this show could do.
It's a bit different from most rating descriptions (e.g. "4/10" doesn't translate into "whoa... this sucks". It translates into "Fine"). That's why I wanted to include this in my profile.
All Comments (23) Comments
har du sett nyan koi
det verka att dem ska göra en sesaon till
hoppas dem gör den bra som manga
så dem borde kunna göra det
förresten det finns än en massa SR fans som vill ha mer
detsamma gäller tenjho tenge som bara hade klart första arc av handlingen ju
skönt att veta om det , har redan läst dem fmp böckerna
har dem orginal
och min manga samling växer med 20st per månad
ska uppdatera bilden snart
har tre hyllor nu
jag bedömer serierna som dem är
men ja alla har sin smak
förresten har hört nåt om dem ska göra scholl rumble z som anime eller släppa den engelska edition manga
har hört hit och dit men vill veta om nån annan har hört nåt
kolla in att du hittade info om fmp att dem skulle fortsätta med den
mena du second raid eller efter
nice bedöming system
har samma tankeställning
förresten ska du på uppcon 10
jag ska vara broly (igen fast med bättre hår och kropp)
I'm not often on MAL, but yeah sure, I'm haunting this place as well ;D
Då har du verkligen något att se fram emot. Galaxhjältarna är lätt en av mina absoluta favoriter. :3
Hur är Toradora SOS? Värt att se?
Medlem ett tag, ja. Aktiv? Nej. :P