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Shina Dark: Kuroki Tsuki no Ou to Souheki no Tsuki no Himegimi
Mar 25, 2011 12:37 AM
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I took a peek (actually read the whole first chapter) and now I know why you said its 'not too bad'
You perv! :P
Thanks (gonna continue reading now) XD
my vajayjay squeals when I saw him but at the same time, my male hormone does a flip too. I'm not too sure about my sexual identity anymore O_O
but in our case, corrupted mind? XD
i sometimes give into your abnormal demands.. u_u
I gotta put something in you!
btw, I read your name as McPenis ><
but I've too many things that I need to do and anime always comes first. I'll try.
*don't kill me*