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ok then, I have to ask if your willing to tell, how did everything go? >.>; I hope you not responding to my early comment isn't a sign of bad news =_=; drop me a line,
Well today is Tuesday so fair thee well, good luck and all that. you don't need luck though because your a good person, and that is worth more than any luck. If you don't mind could you let me know when she says yes. ^_~
oh and if you didn't see the other comments in the club, I will say that I agree with them, in that you should ask her verbally in person, if you want to give poem and rose have it there with you as part of the asking, you can make the timing for it, if you what to let her read it then ask, or if you want to ask then let her read, or if you want to ask as she is reading.
anyway enough of my babbling, I contact you again tomorrow!
Just a heads up, I answered your question in the orientation thread in the yuri club. In foresight, I probably should've just messaged it to you, but I'm too lazy to go back now ^^;
I think she likes you, just like that "kinda stressy and confused" ^_~
though when you ask her out, yo u should time it in sync with your "She definitively will say yes" even for girls trying to date girls, it's important to be assertive and show desire, basically you have to show her you want it (it= relationship)
but really I think you'll be ok you sound very nice so I think that your friends would also be kind people. so just be natural (much more easily said then done) because she probably likes your timid side ^_~ remember love is like a battle field; some people have to fight for it so don't back down too easily ^_^
(What do you mean with: does she prefer any look for you?)
I was only saying that if she has ever made any off hand comment about something looking good on you or something you might was to think about bringing it along ^_~ oh and you might want to leave the headphones for this one ^_^;
P.s.^///^ I normally only have my name in pm's >.>; I don't like to display it. I put it there by accident, I work a desk job so I'm use to singing everything ^_^;
I like to maintain a certain level of mysteriousness because it amuses me.
anyway, good day,
Ok then just a few more things to ask. so in reference to my theory; you say 98% where most would say 99% so, is this "extra" 1% from some lingering doubt? If so what is that doubt based in, in other words, why do you have that doubt? It could be that you default to 98% for taking in mind the unlikely? I don't think this chain of thought will lead me anywhere but I wanted to check.
other wise, what kind of impression do you want to make? I think it really depends on the other persons stance on you, for what kind of impression she will take to best. like: is she more social than you? if so does she encourage you to be more out going?
does she prefer any look for you?
the last thing that I want to say is; you know that she likes you, and she knows that you like girls, on top of that you've known each other for a long time, why hasn't she come to you to talk about dating?
I love how funny time zones can be, ^_^ your really close to the United Kingdom (as it is on a map >.>;) that's some kind of distance o_o I have relatives that live in Britten ^_~ what is the first language of the country you live in? Anyway, on to what I wanted to say, before I get side tracked anymore.
you had mentioned in your post that you have been friends with the person you wish to start a relationship with (I will call her Y as per your own naming convention) and because you are pretty sure of the situation I would wager a guess that you already know that she will date other girls (she swings that way if you will) so that tells me that, mostly your issue, is that you want to leave a lasting/ good impression, or that there is a slit bit of doubt about it from a personal stand point, between you two.
So you say that you are 98% sure, and most people would be 99% if they just wanted to leave room for the improbable, meaning that I think that there is 1% left over in some kind of ominous doubt. I'm just speculating of really so I'm probably incorrect. Because you seem really nice, and you care enough to what to seek advise even though you think everything will go smoothly, that by it's self is most admirable.
so that would lead me to believe that you what to leave an impression ^_~
what I mean is that you don't really need the practical advice, you what a way to make it memorable. still it's just speculation. so in order to get closer to what your looking for I'll need something to work with. tell me about yourself, personally, general attitude, how you are with the person in question aka Y, what your like when your mad as well as how often you get mad, how do you feel around that person, who you think she feels about you? those are some basic exploratory questions that will help me understand the situation better so I can give more personalized counsel.
thank you for reading though me babbling for so long, good day; Kaigen
hello and good day to you, I am from the shoujo-ai and yuri club. I read your post, and thought it might be nice to drop by to see if you wanted some advice or just wanted to chat about it with someone. if so drop me a comment any time and I'll be sure to talk back ^_~ people, by there nature love to communicate/talk and I am defiantly no exception. ^_^;
All Comments (20) Comments
till then; Kaigen
oh and if you didn't see the other comments in the club, I will say that I agree with them, in that you should ask her verbally in person, if you want to give poem and rose have it there with you as part of the asking, you can make the timing for it, if you what to let her read it then ask, or if you want to ask then let her read, or if you want to ask as she is reading.
anyway enough of my babbling, I contact you again tomorrow!
; Kaigen
though when you ask her out, yo u should time it in sync with your "She definitively will say yes" even for girls trying to date girls, it's important to be assertive and show desire, basically you have to show her you want it (it= relationship)
but really I think you'll be ok you sound very nice so I think that your friends would also be kind people. so just be natural (much more easily said then done) because she probably likes your timid side ^_~ remember love is like a battle field; some people have to fight for it so don't back down too easily ^_^
(What do you mean with: does she prefer any look for you?)
I was only saying that if she has ever made any off hand comment about something looking good on you or something you might was to think about bringing it along ^_~ oh and you might want to leave the headphones for this one ^_^;
P.s.^///^ I normally only have my name in pm's >.>; I don't like to display it. I put it there by accident, I work a desk job so I'm use to singing everything ^_^;
I like to maintain a certain level of mysteriousness because it amuses me.
anyway, good day,
ta-ta; Kaigen
other wise, what kind of impression do you want to make? I think it really depends on the other persons stance on you, for what kind of impression she will take to best. like: is she more social than you? if so does she encourage you to be more out going?
does she prefer any look for you?
the last thing that I want to say is; you know that she likes you, and she knows that you like girls, on top of that you've known each other for a long time, why hasn't she come to you to talk about dating?
; David
you had mentioned in your post that you have been friends with the person you wish to start a relationship with (I will call her Y as per your own naming convention) and because you are pretty sure of the situation I would wager a guess that you already know that she will date other girls (she swings that way if you will) so that tells me that, mostly your issue, is that you want to leave a lasting/ good impression, or that there is a slit bit of doubt about it from a personal stand point, between you two.
So you say that you are 98% sure, and most people would be 99% if they just wanted to leave room for the improbable, meaning that I think that there is 1% left over in some kind of ominous doubt. I'm just speculating of really so I'm probably incorrect. Because you seem really nice, and you care enough to what to seek advise even though you think everything will go smoothly, that by it's self is most admirable.
so that would lead me to believe that you what to leave an impression ^_~
what I mean is that you don't really need the practical advice, you what a way to make it memorable. still it's just speculation. so in order to get closer to what your looking for I'll need something to work with. tell me about yourself, personally, general attitude, how you are with the person in question aka Y, what your like when your mad as well as how often you get mad, how do you feel around that person, who you think she feels about you? those are some basic exploratory questions that will help me understand the situation better so I can give more personalized counsel.
thank you for reading though me babbling for so long, good day; Kaigen
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