My Scoring System:
10/10 = Excellent: An anime which I consider personally a Masterpiece, perfect in every aspect
9/10 = Great: A Show which I enjoyed very much and I would recommend watching without esitation
8/10 = Good: A solid and enjoyable show which is entertaining and worth watching
7/10 = Okay: A show that I somehow like to a point where I would recommend it
6/10 = Average: A show that was passable, but just barely to be satisfied by watching it
5/10 = Mediocre: An Anime that I somewhat dislike or didn't enjoy watching it overall
4/10 = Bad: A show that I dislike, which was a waste of time to watch
3/10 = Very Bad: A show that I despise and shouldn't be watched by anybody
2/10 = Horrible: Something that I barely consider animation and I cringe watching
1/10 = Appalling: An aberration of moving images that ruins the anime industry and should be banned from public vision
My Ratings Are Mainly Based Off On Enjoyment
All Anime Stats Anime Stats
- Watching4
- Completed554
- On-Hold14
- Dropped30
- Plan to Watch163
- Total Entries765
- Rewatched182
- Episodes7,812
Anime History Last Anime Updates

All Comments (15) Comments
Di sicuro lo continueró, mi pare di aver smesso perché non trovavo piú gli episodi su youtube e poi me ne sono dimenticata ^_^
Ma io quest'anime l'ho giá visto!! Cioé non tutto ma uno o due episodi si... un bel pó do tempo fa peró...era quello dove lui entrava nella stanza e lei era seduta da sola a leggere?
Com'é Hyouka? Di cosa parla?
Ora a parte VVVV non conosco siti, perchè ho ripreso da poco a guardare anime.
Purtroppo per anohana non ho trovato versioni subbed. Mi sembra strano però che VVVVID non abbia la versione giapponese, tanti anime son selezionabili sia in ita che in sub ita.