I'm a self-confessed otaku since about 2008 and I'm old enough to not brag about it in public. My late anime and manga career started by pure chance when my better half fooled around with Winamp's streaming functionality and somehow got stuck watching the first Hellsing TV series. After she raved about how fun it was and that the voices were really sexy (despite not being used to listening to Japanese) I decided to give it myself a try in a glorious resolution which felt like a throwback to VGA times (320x200). The rest is history. I expended to mangas as well over time and if I extrapolate the current development then I'll read more manga than watching anime in the near future since I'm getting increasingly annoyed with adaptions which never get finished.
I'd like to believe that I'm mostly into "thinking man's anime" but one look at my anime list (Sengoku Basara!) would cast serious doubt on that claim. But I do really enjoy quit and character-driven stories.
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sahana was also a pervert but that doesn't mean she wants die while having sex, it seems as if aiba only cared about his stupid pleasures instead of her feelings, just like when she fell ill in school and he brags about how difficult it was to get her a sports drink and wanted some reward.
I mean he could have atleast talked with her or kissed and reminisce all the good memories of both and hold her close until her last breath. It was really inhumane behaviour......So overall earlier parts and sexual tensions were handled well except the ending.....So just like your mine is also 7/10