Yo guys! welcome to my Profile!
I'm Mateka, an 18 year old watching anime and playing games, what else would I do haha! I've been watching anime for a while now and I'm happy to make some new friends!
I hope you'll have an amazing day/night!
100th anime: Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi
All Comments (72) Comments
And well, I'm sure there are a lot of great animes you still haven't watched!
These days I've been basically watching anime and playing some games, and you?
What kind of car you think you'll be getting?
Lifes doing better, got a new job!!
I still wish to move too Norway, but ended up in Ontario last year so im very happy atm.
A lot has changed and happened last couple years, but still remember some norwegian words lol
Glad to hear you've been fine and same here with life.
Anything exciting?
No, Just realized I forgot to add a period after drawing.
I've been doing good, mostly enjoying time writing, drawing games etc!
How have ya been?
Yeah those servers are the ones i like to stay away from XD
Kinda surprised it hasn't come back due to quarantine and everything.
i'm in some anime servers but most of them are kinda dead now.
I watched all of Haikyuu, definitely reccomend that, also Dr Stone and Demon Slayer were really good too.
Life's been pretty chill lately, been watching a lot of shows.