Cobra is just too powerful and badass to be held in a cage. He could easily do or go where he wants. I read the chapter too, hopefully he is given a major role in this arc seeing as he somehow knows about Tartarus and their members being demons from Zeref's book. I know it probably won't happen but I really want Kiana to reunite with Cobra again and stay with him. As a snake she contributed to his strength so much. Another thing I want to add is Hirro might make Cobra a Fairy Tail member which I don't want because it would dumb down his character and give him those friendship power-ups.
You have a cosplay for him? :O That's badass! I feel not enough people like him. He's basically the only true villain to not be beaten. The first time he only lost because Brain shot him in the back. The second time Erza only beat him because he got distracted and she had a filler only weapon. Cobra should of been the leader, not Midnight.
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