10 - Classic. A masterclass showing, a technical and/or (but most likely "and") storytelling marvel. This work is "perfect" in that it achieves all its aims with aplomb. A 10 is going to get the heartiest recommendation I can muster. 9 - Gureto. While it may fall short of perfection, this is still an excellently crafted piece of media. I connected with the work in some meaningful way, and it evoked a response the way only art can, whether that's awe, genuine excitement, or manly tears. Hell, maybe I just loved the characters or I was mesmerized by the art and animation. Whatever the case, don't miss it. 8 - Good Shit. An 8 is a work that just doesn't quite hit the heights of a 9 or a 10. It may be a rip-roaring good time, it may excite the passions, but it doesn't transcend into greatness. This is a hard line to draw sometimes, but I just have to rely on my gut feeling. While the show may have some flaws or limitations, they're not enough to impede the overall viewing experience. 7 - Just Good. 7 and 8, like 9 and 10, are pretty close together. Here, the difference is in execution, polish, and overall effect. This is a show or movie that's well done and enjoyable on the whole, but may be unevenly put together. From the writing to the animation, there are some cracks. Even if I think it ultimately falls short of its full potential, however, this is at the very least an interesting work, something worthy of consideration and discussion. 6 - I Liked It. This is where flaws, limitations, or creative misfires become more readily apparent and more difficult to overlook. It may be fun, there may be some really great moments in between, but those parts don't congeal into a cohesive whole. This is something I still enjoyed and appreciated on some level, however, even if that's just personal appeal. There is more to like than to dislike overall, but this is where my recommendations get a lot more conditional. 5 - Meh. I don't love this show. I can't muster much in the way of great passion either way. There's enough here to amuse, at least in parts, and maybe there was promise, but in the end I can't really consider this a worthwhile venture. 4 - Bad To The Bone. I can't make any more excuses, this is just bad. It's not insultingly so; I'm not angry, just disappointed. This may be the product of boneheaded execution of a decent idea or a dull as dishwater, shallow premise. Whatever the case, it's not worth anyone's time. Skip. 3 - Ya Big Dummy. This isn't just bad, it's vacuous enough to insult the viewer's intelligence. I feel dumber for having had to watch it. The difference between a 3 and 2 entirely comes down to a 3 just feeling utterly inept. There's at least some artistic spark or good ideas, perhaps, but they're buried under utter idiocy. A 3 is dreck, but maybe some entertainment can be gleamed from picking it apart under a microscope. 2 - Satan's Anus. The Ninth Circle of Hell. Whether it's a blatantly cynical cash-in or a shamelessly insipid cliche fest, I feel personally insulted at the thought that someone put this on the market thinking human beings could enjoy it. If you need rage as fuel for your journey, this isn't a bad place to start. 1 - Spectacle of Shit. Plan 9 From Outer Space. The Room. A technical and narrative disasterpiece, something so horrendously strung together that it's almost awesome to behold. This is the sort of thing you gawk at to feel better about yourself. There might be some genuine enjoyment to be gleamed from its terrible glory.
-Shows are rated in terms of their "aims" (What was it trying to be/do/say?) and compared to other works in their genre. "Plastic Neesan" and "Perfect Blue" are both 7's, but they are very different 7's.
-All of these ratings are arbitrary, and the bad ratings (1-4) are especially so. It all depends on what kind of impression the show leaves on me. My bad ratings are a gauge for how bored, stupefied, or infuriated I was left by the end (or whenever I dropped).
-These are just, like, my opinions, man.
I love how there's a guy below who posts this really polite comment inviting meaningful discussion, then 3 minutes later his self-control completely breaks down and he just lets his anger out.
Nicely written reviews. Although I don't agree with some of the ratings, your thoughts are well-put into the review and I understand the flaws you are pointing out in each series. You should watch Shingeki No Kyojin and give me your thoughts.
Dumbass violet evergarden review. Please do not review ever again. Hopeless. Have a good day sir. You have no idea what you're talking about. Straight up facts.
That’s where we differ to me I was invested in made in abyss from about the third episode, I didn’t find it sluggish to be honest And I wasn’t even into anime as much then. In turn I personally feel like if you can rate and review it from the seventh episode, than you can easily watch the other five and give your opinion on how slow, mind numbing it is to watch. Like I said with such a great show like this one you can at the very least finish it then give your honest opinion after rather then pushing for a review a soon as possible.
I respect your opinion but realistic if you don’t finish the show I don’t see how you can rate or review it. That’s why on MAL when your watching an airing show you can’t review or rate it until it’s done.
I get what you mean man but some shows like gankutsou take a couple episode to set the stories events in motion. Some people will look at your review and will watch the show based on some of these reviews like yours. Also if you felt the need to quit or stop watching then do so don’t just put together a review. I respect your opinion on the show I just wished that you finish it before giving a review because your mind can change.
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I respect your opinion but realistic if you don’t finish the show I don’t see how you can rate or review it. That’s why on MAL when your watching an airing show you can’t review or rate it until it’s done.