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Days: 40.2
Mean Score:
- Reading73
- Completed272
- On-Hold29
- Dropped43
- Plan to Read135
- Total Entries552
- Reread21
- Chapters4,430
- Volumes709
All Comments (496) Comments
I have been really really good! I got my license a month ago so I'm slowly gaining more freedom haha but yeah i haven't been doing too much since the summer started so I'm hoping to watch and find some anime to pass the time. But I haven't watched any in almost six months!!!!! Hahahaha but how are you?!?! :)))))
I hope you still like it .
Oh, yeah I get it. When your in highschool your relying on other people and parents and when you get out in the real world, it's diffrent. I'm not so excited now about graduating! There must be alot of responsibilities. Ugh keep track of taxes and insurance. wow being an adult is not as fun as I thought!!! But there are alot of plus' that come with freedom and being an adult ^ ^
Woah! In one week?! That's awesome lol I 100% agree. It was good!
Yeah I'm sure I will. I'll be taking it next week. I've been procrastinating since I didn't really study but I took example things online and it was all common sense stuff. So i'm not as worried. Hahaha yeah they put in alot of stupid ones XD
Hahaha yeah whenever I attempt to park, there should be no one around the area. It's like a hazard!!! XD But hopefully practice makes almost perfect! Haha she sucked at driving but could park like a mother-f? That is so insane! Yep it would be bad. lol Haha I think i'll be that one slow car going like 15-20 mph. ha
XDDD you wouldn't let them see :DDDD haha I'm praying I won't have to have my wisdom teeth taken out. Yeah my parents "suprised me" about a month ago. Thing is the moment my mom asked me "So..... what was the gb you wanted for the ipod touch?" I knew I was going to get it lol.
Ugh yeah. Our family has a camper at this campground in the mountains. I hate it. There are hungry bears, wild cat things, dangerous deer, killer bugs, and stones that trip people. It's fun but I rather be at home in the air conditioner with internet. XD Hmmm I haven't really done too much exciting except for some sleepovers and going to the movies. But this month i'll be going to the beach with some friends for a missions trip so I'm stoked! How has your summer been going?
Hah. Good thing that didn't happen!
I can't wait till I graduate. It's like a whole new life. How is it terrifying? Haha I've
watched soo much anime. It's crazy. Before I watched like an episode a month now I'm watching like 4 episodes a day. XD Yeah the written test to start driving. Thanks!!! I need all the luck I can get. I've been practicing and parking is my worst! It's so hard. I'm always afraid I'm going to hit something or someone.
ughh that doesn't sound too fun. Hahah chipmunk cheeks :DDD
I've been really good. Trying to make my summer filled with plans and adventures. I don't want to be bored the WHOLE time. haha Oh, and I just got an Ipod Touch so I'm so excited about that.
Sorry for the late reply. I've been away at the mountains with my family. >.<
Let me know if there are any problems
Please save and re-host thanks :)
That's awesome!!! You must be so happy! :D
I've been good. Just enjoying the freedom of summer. No homework and I can watch anime and stuff till my eyes hurt! I'm also trying to study for my permit test. I'm so nervous I won't pass! >.<
Hehehe thanks!!! :D
So how are you?
It's funny how it might only be sunny outside for an hour or two and then you get burnt anyway. It's mostly my face that gets burnt though. Haha yeah practice makes perfect!
Yes! The movie was just so emotional, when the avatar people were bawling and screaming when something in the forest died I was on the verge of tears as well! OMG when they tore down the sacred tree I was ready to throw something at the screen! I was sooo pissed at the army guys! It was really sad when nateri's (sp lol) dad died. Hahaha when the army guy kept surviving I was stunned that he didn't die when nateri shot him with the arrow the first time. It was crazy! That movie was freaking awesome! I need to get it on DVD! lol So how is your week going? :)
School is alright. So many things to do though : ( what about you ?
I hate sunburns, one reason why I hate the sun lol My skin burns so easily. Hahaha must of been nice feeling free ;P Yeah I've always had the idea of becoming a lawyer since I was a kid. It's funny since I'm not to fond of crowds or people watching me but hopefully I'll get over that. lol Hm my shadowing went ok, since the person was busy I had to do it via email. But it was good :D
I JUST LOOOOVE AVATAR too!!!!!!!!!! What? People get all depressed and suicidal? WOW. I mean I saw a youtube video where some people dressed up as avatars in all blue and went in a forest and stuff but that's a shocker people get suicidal. Haha I was bawling cause the movie was just so sad at some parts! Haha I'm such a wimp! Hahahahaha yeah I was like "Kill those freaking ass holes!" but when one of the avatar people died I was like "NOOOOOOOOO" lol
Ha it's fine, mine's long too XD
hardcore on the homework!!!! I'm ready for summer~ lol
That sounds like sooooo much fun! I've never been to florida! :D
I haven't been doing much, just homework and ugh more homework!! lol
For english we're doing like career projects so I need to find a lawyer that I can
shadow for a day and interview. -_____- not my favorite thing!
I went to the movies yesterday and saw Avatar! Such a AMAZING movie! I
was like bawling the whole time.... lol