A message from Anime Land Hey there everyone, just wanted to tell you all that the 100+ Members LE is finally open over at Animeland, so make sure to check them out here!And while you're at it, make sure to stop by and participate in all the fun games we have going on, or just chat with us.
Hello :D Msg from Anime Land Request your August LE'shere Request your Summer LE'shere Request your Member Cardshere Visit the club for Claims, Games and more ^_^
Haha glomping rylira xD
No az imam i navika da vre6tq ei taka ot ni6toto, brat mi gorkiq ima fobiq ot men. 4ovek 6e si kaje, 4e my pravq boini y4eniq. xD
Iiii da thats all folks. Az otivam da izterqsvam. :D
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Hey there everyone, just wanted to tell you all that the 100+ Members LE is finally open over at Animeland, so make sure to check them out here!And while you're at it, make sure to stop by and participate in all the fun games we have going on, or just chat with us.
Request your August LE's here
Request your Summer LE's here
Request your Member Cards here
Visit the club for Claims, Games and more ^_^
Thank You xD
You can always avenge me though. :DD
Bye bye
No az imam i navika da vre6tq ei taka ot ni6toto, brat mi gorkiq ima fobiq ot men. 4ovek 6e si kaje, 4e my pravq boini y4eniq. xD
Iiii da thats all folks. Az otivam da izterqsvam. :D