All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 207.7
Mean Score:
- Watching7
- Completed367
- On-Hold12
- Dropped58
- Plan to Watch108
- Total Entries552
- Rewatched41
- Episodes12,506
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 36.5
Mean Score:
- Total Entries26
- Reread7
- Chapters5,064
- Volumes153
All Comments (26) Comments
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I am trying to analyze Sasuke because i have never analaysed a character before. i know his goal is to be know all over japan and leave a mark history, to be the best aethsate. i am trying to figure out his inner struggles and his external struggles. i think his external struggle is for him to be a warrior or a an aethsate. that is the central struggle i think. he have inner struggles about avenging his lord or following hidyoushi. he cant get angry at hidyoushi because he understand him, right. but that is for some moment , it wasnt central. what do u think is his inner struggle? or maybe he doesn't have one?
You just made this my Day men! :)
Btw I just made it "Displaying 15 of 15 comments" lol Happy now?
Naruto (manga) review is the best.
Everyone - Naruto is the best, I love Naruto.
Me - Naruto is the good anime, but Naruto Shippuuden is shit. I dropped it.
Everyone - F*** you.
"It's hard to say, first couple hundred chapters were magnificent, 10/10. But last 100 have been shite, and it's really dragging on. I can't give it overall anything more than a 6, but understand that the last chapters have been really poor."
Thank you for writing this TT^TT
I can now go to sleep happy.