Logged a lot of hours as a child being hauled around ruined castles in the middle of nowhere in Greece, being shown things like additional francocratic stonework.
Ange is a hypocrite. He touted for the longest time that he was an advocate for free speech, but completely goes back on it as soon as people use that to call him out on his own double standards and favoritism. He exists in tons of visual novel spaces for the sole purpose of shilling his videos. There are several Discords I was a part of where he didn't say anything on them except showing up every few weeks to post his videos then leave. Also, frankly, his videos are bad. For a person who posts his opinions a lot, he's horrible at actually discussing them with other people or considering perspectives beyond his own. He can't say anything with any kind of meaningful insight or research. There's a reason why in places like /r/visualnovels, his videos and posts frequently get downvoted and are generally disliked. And he can't even actually defend his own positions within his posts when people disagree with him.
Definitely worth checking out:
Some episodes of Cream Lemon, like Pop Chaser, Star Trap or Magic City Astalot
Balthus: Tia no Kagayaki
Guy: Youma Kakusei
Shinzou Ningen Struggle Bunny (Though it is basically a sakuga music video more than anything)
Lunatic Night
Spaceship Agga Ruter
Yuuwaku Countdown (one of the episodes is about a japanese ninja policewoman and her homosexual robot partner)
Not that good imo, but they have some aspects that can be interesting:
Ningyou Tsukai
Tokio Kidou Police
Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinou (Hentai Express)
Cool Devices (VERY mixed bag)
There is also somewhat infamous Legend of the Blue Wolves.
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Some episodes of Cream Lemon, like Pop Chaser, Star Trap or Magic City Astalot
Balthus: Tia no Kagayaki
Guy: Youma Kakusei
Shinzou Ningen Struggle Bunny (Though it is basically a sakuga music video more than anything)
Lunatic Night
Spaceship Agga Ruter
Yuuwaku Countdown (one of the episodes is about a japanese ninja policewoman and her homosexual robot partner)
Not that good imo, but they have some aspects that can be interesting:
Ningyou Tsukai
Tokio Kidou Police
Inyoku Tokkyuu Zetsurinou (Hentai Express)
Cool Devices (VERY mixed bag)
There is also somewhat infamous Legend of the Blue Wolves.
are you on twitter somewhere?