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Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita.
Jan 10, 2014 8:42 AM
· Scored
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Days: 11.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries15
- Reread0
- Chapters1,976
- Volumes59
All Comments (341) Comments
hhrm. not sure about the uni thing yet, but i might be going for double majorsss. east asian + whatever profitable class i can take. which reminds me, which one is better international business or psych or.... is there anything else that's interesting? :D
ughh. all day huh? welp as long as you don't have them suuuuper early in the morning. allsss well. which sem are you on rn?
ah no. i dropped the course i was taking. lol. i was almost done too. from networking, i am going to take east asian studiessss in january. weeeee more time for moi. welp. how's the new sem shaping up for youu?
eeh, nope. she actually told me that the whole interview thing is going to end like the friday last week. herp derps. i didn't get the call.
omgg. you atually had to use the word stabbing.
fuck labs are going to start. finishing thing lateerz.
I have 4 reports, one reflection essay and two quizzes next week. whoops. and i still procrastinate
lol. speaking of the interview, i messed up. I think we had a miss understanding. Like, I think i told her i was supposed to come at 2, but when I came there the interview was at one = w = Good thing the lady was nice or, i wouldn't even go back to that mall ever agian lol.
speaking, do you have any piercings? I had mine done as a child so i have no idea if it hurts if you get one this late. welp. I wanted to get a cartilage piercing tooo...
Yeaah, i think my kid tolerance it higher now. lol. what i'm planning to get into is like com tech teaching. its slightly about my field so it should be fine, worse comes to worse :3 have any back up career as well?
Naaw. I noticed that most people like listerers anyway. prolly a little input should be fine. besides, once you get used to the place you might develop the same hobbies and interest with the peeps around you. Orr, you can just talk about work? XDv
Hmm. The things you have to worry about are chipping the chips and static ruining the parts. oh. damn. those mistakes are actually easy to make. hmm.
Arrrghh, the ones I make sure to watch is like K and tonari? lol. anime party after this weeeek. XDD after this I only have to worry about two more rerpot then EXAAAMS.
sleeping takes a lot of hit so that I can play. hahaha. I sleep in the buses anyway, so i it balances out. Hrmm, i looked at my sched and liek, i have due dates next week. I'll prolly skip anime this week :/
I applied at Ardenes :3 Its an accessory store, so i think the job won't require much heavy lifting.
Lol. I was thinking of licences when I said qualifications. oops. Baah, without any of it I can't apply for any tech related job. In short, my college diploma can't get me into any jobs. lol. Speaking of teachers, that's my back up career if the thinggy i'm doing right now goes no where. Aah, i don't even know what I want to do tbh = A =
KISSING ASS = developing networks. lmao. oh yeah, i heard employers value being friendly. since friendly in a working environment is the same as kissing ass its perfeccc ;>
I actually haven't played any mario cart game before lol. Imma try the one on the DS. I didn't know it existed :<
ugh. i have this picky ass teacher maaaan. he took off like 10 markss off of my midterm for adding an extra word to the title. it didn't affect the lab and yet he felt it was enough to take off a couple of marks for it. its so rage inducing really. its such un unjustified reason for getting a d :/
Hmmm, you can probably juggle it around. Actually, try the first semster first if you can handle all the school work. Thn if you think you can manage, go for it. Welp. that's what i did right now :3 and I got an interview for a job tommorow too.
Srsly tho. Your planning is sooo damn good. All i'm planning to do, is get an internship at bell then save up money for qualification exams. Bascially winging it. And Lol. Depending on the College you might have fresh of the hs students as classmates. It could b annoying....
Anddd. vn though you really didn't volunteer in the spot you really want to take, you can use the peeps whre you volunteered as reference? HA. As long as you have experience, your chances of being hired is higher. so its fantastic for you.
there are disassmbleed comps out there that are cheaper. then again you have to assemble it. if you buy it that way you only have to pay for 600+ aroun that price range really.
I has the PS3. Lmao. just this week, i bought two games. At least the other one is a bargain? Aaand, I can lend you mroe games if you do buy one.
crap. over is my class. I shall return desu ~
imma reply later. I only have a progress report to write. wheeew ~
DDD-DAAAMN. That was a sick omggg. the light director must've been a genius o A o plus coordination. aand, I've seen the goat vid. it was freaaky. oh, in tumblr i've seen a crow speak like a person. it was freaaaky scary kind of thing.
Ooucch. that sucks . _ . How many games do you have saved on it? Sometimes, I get lazy to restart games when I loose my game files.
At least you can spend as much time on studying as much as possible. Studying for crap is less stressful that doing projects anyway. Aahh, still a long way to go though.
Oh yeah, how were your midterms? I think I failed two of mine but my practicals balanced out my marks. Damn. On one of my tests, I had to write two proposals within an hour in a half. Lol. By the end of it, I laughing at how derps my writing was.
Hmmm, depends on how often you want to use it. As of rn, I practically cannot use my console. Its just gathering dust. Starting on tuesday, it won't beee. Assassin's creed <3
As for gaming in PCs you have to invest in $$$. Good pc games take a lot of resources to actually work as intended by the dev. Really, depends on how many games you want to play. If you have more pc games, then go for it. Or, I can let you borrow my games of you get a console? :3
OMGG. i have all of the cooking mama games + gardening mama. its sooo fun. are you playing that one? if its as good as the other two, i'll dl it asap :3 and lol, so trueee. most pokemon games have relaxing/undistracting music. i might dl it for study bg music.
fuck, on that note. imma die starting week 9-11 ish relative to college terms. at week 11, i have AAAAALLL of my huge ass projects due. i apologize in advance (ι´Д`)ノ
Still watching chuunibyou? lmao. i think rikka is going to convert nibutani to a fellow hero enthusiast/retard.
hmm i haven't looked at psycho pass yet, but it soo true. if K conitnues like that, i'll drop it by ep 6/7. gah. can't afford to waste time on stups anime nowadays ): Weeell, you can do what i do, like review one section in one go then reward yourself by watching 1 or 2 episodes in between. you won't get burnt out from over studying. then again, gotta be careful not to marathon shows tho. so far its been working fine me.
neveer ever buy win 8 machines this early. its gonna be full of bugss. for sure. wait for two to three years for a stable os and compatible drivers/programs. So i wholeheartedly agree that you buy a win7 machine.
depends on the update. bah i dunno. every single company out there is nickle and dime-ing their customers nowadays ¯¯¯\(°_o)/¯¯¯
...oops caps but too lazxy to retype ;l